Blessings and wonders


Approved user
Dec 22, 2014
Hi DomiNations, First of all, my compliments for the great game you have developed. It has stunning graphics. Only a little thing that annoyed me was that blessings, when their time runs out, just disappear. I would like to see another disappearances, like collapsing. It would be an improvement for the eye ;-) Secondly, wonders. Maybe, just an idea, to upgrade wonders with the ages? Now, when they are built, there is not anything you can do with it anymore. And maybe because they are wonders, and are meant to be great and impressive, make them relatively more expensive than the other upgrades in that age. Thank you for reading this, Ruystique


Approved user
Dec 9, 2014
On disappearing blessings, I could see a decay animation play out in the remaining seconds of its existence -- give a visual queue to the player that it's about to come to an end without having to click on it for an update on its countdown counter. As for Wonders, I don't think they should change with advancing ages at all: this better reflects their timeliness, uniqueness and incidentally is also realistic.