Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 2)


Approved user
May 19, 2016
And one more - is this stage your answer to decoy tactics bug? When u will fix it? It's easy - do not deploy troops from decoy tactic on walls, move them to the nearest available position within decoy tactic range. And if there's no way for defenders to reach troops from decoy tactics because of closed walls then they should abandon them and move towards normal attackers - not sit like stupid AI and wait until 8 decoy tactics wear out ;)


Approved user
Jun 12, 2015
What about
  • Pirates hitpoints and damage incredibly increased

This way I could present the rebalance to the crew as a big success!

Pirates! and Pirates Cove! support happiness and freedom.
Unsend is evil.


Approved user
Mar 21, 2016
You say you have listened to the community but you still try to nerf the decoy to dead instead of buffing other tactics in a meaningful way (nobody care about the training cost please for god's sake).
There are already many people said that people only used decoy now just because this is the only tactics that is still remain useful.
It is never OP if you are facing a CWA base with fully loaded stronghold .
If you nerf it to dead, there is almost no way to handle the troop tactics.
And even if we ignore the world war part, if you buff the defence and nerf the attack like this, more and more people will simply choose quiting this game because nobody will love to wait for an hour to train their troops for each attack. It is never fun to get a mediocre result and wait for a long time each time you "play".

This is really a disastrous plan and you guys are really killing the game, please just stop it.

Just same as what I have posted in the post of Stage 1, I know that it is really meaningless for us to leave a message here to ask them to stop. They will still proceed anyway even if all players say that the change is bad. It is really sad to see a game with potential keep getting worse.
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Approved user
Sep 24, 2015
Fully Agree!
I still don’t understand why you Devs care so much for cost reduction, when it’s TIME what you should really care for....
or you still don’t understand we are flooded with Rss?
The absurd times for training troops and tactics, and of course upgrades at higher Ages are the ones that should be addressed!!


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Absolutely! As with Stage 1, we plan to share the numbers for all the changes in the coming days.

Lamb shank

Approved user
Aug 21, 2018
I agree with almost everything said. You will and are killing this game and it’s a bit like watching a car crash you can’t take your eyes off. I barely play anymore I see more and more alliances I follow merging too! and almost no new players coming into it. It’s a sad state of affair to let such a good game go this way.


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
Quit Lying, TinSoldier, if you paid attention to even half the comments here you'd know you've fucked up.


Approved user
Dec 22, 2016
I’m tentatively ok with the changes, in MP it won’t make a difference. I can press next and move my medal count. Getting NTGs faster will be great with 2 accounts in war. For war this could be positive - make the way we approach it different. Those heavy weight global and atomic accounts might actually be able to go defensive now.

What I am really wondering is how with this affect war matching? Will the additional HP of buildings affect the algorithm? Will we get better matches as a result? If so then this rebalance gets 14/10 from me.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Don't be ridiculous. Matchmaking will continue to be a 30 second search for a fair match, followed by grabbing the nearest team with the right number of players when that inevitably fails.


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
Well this game is dead, I spent two or three years on it and had fun but now, now you're nerfing Decoys out of some perception that it will make the game more fun. Even spending money on troop tactics barely gets me to scrape by but you never listen. TinSoldier if you cared at all you'd respond to the comments that aren't asking for clarification and instead address the actual complaints, but I guess you're just a corporate mouthpiece, heck I don't think you even exist, you're just an account that is shared by all the Nexon Staff to respond to comments. You seem to think everything will be fine if you keep pushing us to buy more stuff but the less satisfying things become for free players the less they will become for paying players. And soon your precious "whales" will move on to a game with enough people for it to actually be fun, they aren't here to spend money they're here to play a game where spending money makes them feel superior but if there's no one to feel superior to then they will decide to just go off and play something they consider more fun.

I suspect that you're only doing this to weed out the cheaters, but here's a news flash: they'll still cheat and hack and exploit the game while never spending a dime and driving other players off who might spend money on the game. This design spotlight is the last straw for me, I'm quitting the game but I will still pop in from time to time to see how laughably stupid Nexon and BigHuge are becoming because they never listen to actual complaints and try to fix problems that aren't there.

If you want this game to survive then stop sending your mouth of Sauron TinSoldier and let us talk to the real developers and the brainless managers who make demands that they think help but just screw everyone over. You're going to lose your company at this rate so pull your head out of the sand and your asses and listen to the people who pay your salaries!
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Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
Oh and go ahead and delete my last comment because it's too painful to think about, you know what you did and you lost someone who used to enjoy this.

Here's a free tip, go watch "The Jimquisition" and you might learn a few things. Assuming you have the ability to learn.


Approved user
May 12, 2015
As much as people want to believe Nexon is full of idiots, they know exactly what they are doing. They are shifting the balance to higher risk / reward because they believe they will make more money that way. They want everyone to risk their entire troop allotment more often, while failing more often, because then people will plunk down $$$/crowns to rebuild their troops more often.

Yes, there are a couple of minor tweaks that don't serve that mission, but they are exceedingly minor. Attack helicopters may be slightly better. Decoys will get nerfed (which makes it less likely for players to have the best decoy to attack a particular base in their arsenal). But ultimately all buildings get stronger, while only some troops do. Everything about war gets harder.

The truly important thing to notice is that Nexon is unwilling to make a single time-based adjustment. That highlights that this "rebalance" is nothing more than a bunch of hand-waving surrounding their implicit price hike, as it is impossible to believe that there are zero time-based rebalances that make sense for the betterment of the game. Giving up a single penny to improve things has and always will be a nonstarter for Nexon.

The game just got more expensive for all concerned. Do with that information what you will. Just don't ever be fooled by the term "rebalance". It's a price hike.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
They may be calculating that this will result in making them more money, but I think they are wrong. You can't drive away all of your volume and then make it up on the few spenders. They don't want to pay to beat up on each other.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
This is the first thing that came to my mind for me as well. Food? Pfft


Approved user
Apr 30, 2018
Not able to find any feedback from us on these lines. Can you point us some specific posts showing that you listed?