Defensive Coalitions

Wicked Lord

Approved user
Sep 2, 2018
What do you think are the most powerful defensive Coalitions assuming everything is equally upgraded?
My Ranking has always been:

- Egyptians
- Maori
- Russians
- Indians

but after all these changes... . Any opinion appreciated.

Little fun fact:
The german in-game translation for Indians has long been "Indianer" - american natives instead of "Inder" - people from India.:cool:
However they changed it some time ago.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
I agree with those rankings. The only debatable ones are Egyptians vs Maori, depending on which part of your defense is more upgraded/buffed (towers or defenders). But even If one is high and the other is poor, they're both still worth more than Indians imo, if going for 3D coalitions. Maybe if you have orange space age walls and either poor towers or poor defenders, then you can switch one of them with Indians for better value, but that is an unlikely scenario.