From water


Approved user
Jan 9, 2018
I propose to make the port not only send expeditions, but warships as well, from which you can drop infantry, tanks, or air troops on the enemy, and cannon volleys on the nearby land [basically, he means shooting artillery from the warship against a base]. There are a lot of things that could be done with offensive warships. The port should be developed, [for example] shipbuilding, aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines. Have at it. The water shouldn't be there pointlessly.

Thank you Persia for translate.

Предлагаю сделать не только порт для отправки экспедиций, но еще и для отправки военных кораблей. С которых во время атаки на пративника можно будет высаживать пехоту, танки или наносить авиа удары. Залпы из пушек по близлежащей поверхности. Развитие порта до верфи, кораблестроение и до авианосцев, атомных подлодок. Можно придумать многл чего с атакующими кораблями. Дерзайте. Вода не должна стоять без действия.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Agree. Coastline is underutilized.
Согласен. Береговая линия недоиспользуется.


Approved user
Jun 21, 2017
How did you read that Manifesto... I think my eyesight has spazzed out from nightshift 😀


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
@Extrared Perhaps you should try translating this to English? English is the language being used in here...

"I propose to make the port not only send expeditions, but warships as well, from which you can drop infantry, tanks, or air troops on the enemy, and cannon volleys on the nearby land [basically, he means shooting artillery from the warship against a base]. There are a lot of things that could be done with offensive warships. The port should be developed, [for example] shipbuilding, aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines. Have at it. The water shouldn't be there pointlessly."


Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Yea i was just thinking the same thing. I actually want the next event to be a submarine event where you have to launch 5 expeditions in the time frame and you can get a submarine base that would go on your regular base but would look like a pond with a periscope sticking up(some farms already look like ponds so you could camoflage it) and it would act like a missile silo and when its destroyed it could spawn a new unit called ‘pukes’ haha. Im not sure what they would be a base for producing, but maybe like you said landing craft or destroyers that can volley from the water a couple times then are done, and with a limited range so people would want to use the map editor to rearrange their bases. Could be interesting...