Greeks reborn and Glory Decay script injustice


Approved user
May 17, 2018
I do not know where to start cause this has affected me and my alliance very much and I do not know if we can regroup after that but I will try my best to explain a few things...

First of all I wanna say that for years we play to the best of our ability without engaging in illegal or immoral in-game activities. Nobody in my alliance ever did any TT cloning or run any museum bot or used the external server. We fought and achieved high positions in the leaderboard through our dedication and effort.

While being a top alliance, we never liked seeing other alliances parked up there at the top and doing glory sniping or just abandoning the WWs altogether. We always felt that the leaderboard must be clean from inactive alliances and I have personally sent messages to @Harlems369th in order to run the glory decay script more often.

Having said that, we have a sister alliance called GREEK STEEL. We have never done a war together with the boys there so on the 23rd of January we visited them and as we are not many players, Greeks Reborn was left with just a few members, and matched a team in a single 30vs30. War day was on the 24th and the war ended very late on the 25th of January. So, we decided to just sleep and the next day we would go back to Greeks reborn and resume our wars there.

Meanwhile, the announcement about glory decay went live at the forums but nobody saw it. Not that it would change much as our war was still in progress in its last hours and bed time was near. Anyway, we slept and we woke up only to find upon our return to Greeks Reborn that we have 2013 glory less!!!

I can understand coding something and doing some harm cause a script cannot think of every possible situation and exception. But here, it is crystal clear that we have an exception to the rule.
-From when is it legit to punish 20 people for just visiting a sister alliance for 2 days?
-How is it possible to cancel the 8-9 month effort of 20 players to reach the top of the leaderboard like this?
I do not understand any of it.... We are all grown ups and I believe we can accept a mistake when it is being done and correct it! That is what is expected from adults!

As the leader of Greeks reborn I am making this post on behalf of all my alliance members and therefore I request BHG employees @TheWise @Harlems369th to reconsider and award us back the glory we lost.

Odysseas aka oddin


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Greeks Reborn -2013 for 2 days of inactivity
Jiggly Puffs -2124 for 7 months of inactivity (!!!!)
Ares Killers -943 for 2 months of inactivity
Rebel House -1263 for 6 months of inactivity (!!!!)
LAHØRD@ -2871 for 1 month of inactivity
台灣噗攏拱天團 -2832 for 5 months of inactivity
Momineen and Ares alliances were filled with players just 1-2 days before the script and nothing happened for them. No glory decay despite being the ones that did glory sniping for months and they were practically the reason for creating the glory decay script in the first place!

food for thought...


Feb 26, 2022
I do not know where to start cause this has affected me and my alliance very much and I do not know if we can regroup after that but I will try my best to explain a few things...

First of all I wanna say that for years we play to the best of our ability without engaging in illegal or immoral in-game activities. Nobody in my alliance ever did any TT cloning or run any museum bot or used the external server. We fought and achieved high positions in the leaderboard through our dedication and effort.

While being a top alliance, we never liked seeing other alliances parked up there at the top and doing glory sniping or just abandoning the WWs altogether. We always felt that the leaderboard must be clean from inactive alliances and I have personally sent messages to @Harlems369th in order to run the glory decay script more often.

Having said that, we have a sister alliance called GREEK STEEL. We have never done a war together with the boys there so on the 23rd of January we visited them and as we are not many players, Greeks Reborn was left with just a few members, and matched a team in a single 30vs30. War day was on the 24th and the war ended very late on the 25th of January. So, we decided to just sleep and the next day we would go back to Greeks reborn and resume our wars there.

Meanwhile, the announcement about glory decay went live at the forums but nobody saw it. Not that it would change much as our war was still in progress in its last hours and bed time was near. Anyway, we slept and we woke up only to find upon our return to Greeks Reborn that we have 2013 glory less!!!

I can understand coding something and doing some harm cause a script cannot think of every possible situation and exception. But here, it is crystal clear that we have an exception to the rule.
-From when is it legit to punish 20 people for just visiting a sister alliance for 2 days?
-How is it possible to cancel the 8-9 month effort of 20 players to reach the top of the leaderboard like this?
I do not understand any of it.... We are all grown ups and I believe we can accept a mistake when it is being done and correct it! That is what is expected from adults!

As the leader of Greeks reborn I am making this post on behalf of all my alliance members and therefore I request BHG employees @TheWise @Harlems369th to reconsider and award us back the glory we lost.

Odysseas aka oddin
In the chaos that exists in the game it’s a major injustice to punish a really honorable team that clearly made its way to the top without cheating or exploiting because at a single moment that a program checked for presence you found them missing in their brother alliance. It’s very easy to go back and check if what Oddin says it’s true. And that is the way to bring back justice and correct a mistake. We don’t really ask for a favor or for special treatment but for the obvious. To correct a mistake that a program did. Thank you for reading and I hope you will be fair to us as (almost) always


Feb 26, 2022
I do not know where to start cause this has affected me and my alliance very much and I do not know if we can regroup after that but I will try my best to explain a few things...

First of all I wanna say that for years we play to the best of our ability without engaging in illegal or immoral in-game activities. Nobody in my alliance ever did any TT cloning or run any museum bot or used the external server. We fought and achieved high positions in the leaderboard through our dedication and effort.

While being a top alliance, we never liked seeing other alliances parked up there at the top and doing glory sniping or just abandoning the WWs altogether. We always felt that the leaderboard must be clean from inactive alliances and I have personally sent messages to @Harlems369th in order to run the glory decay script more often.

Having said that, we have a sister alliance called GREEK STEEL. We have never done a war together with the boys there so on the 23rd of January we visited them and as we are not many players, Greeks Reborn was left with just a few members, and matched a team in a single 30vs30. War day was on the 24th and the war ended very late on the 25th of January. So, we decided to just sleep and the next day we would go back to Greeks reborn and resume our wars there.

Meanwhile, the announcement about glory decay went live at the forums but nobody saw it. Not that it would change much as our war was still in progress in its last hours and bed time was near. Anyway, we slept and we woke up only to find upon our return to Greeks Reborn that we have 2013 glory less!!!

I can understand coding something and doing some harm cause a script cannot think of every possible situation and exception. But here, it is crystal clear that we have an exception to the rule.
-From when is it legit to punish 20 people for just visiting a sister alliance for 2 days?
-How is it possible to cancel the 8-9 month effort of 20 players to reach the top of the leaderboard like this?
I do not understand any of it.... We are all grown ups and I believe we can accept a mistake when it is being done and correct it! That is what is expected from adults!

As the leader of Greeks reborn I am making this post on behalf of all my alliance members and therefore I request BHG employees @TheWise @Harlems369th to reconsider and award us back the glory we lost.

Odysseas aka oddin
In the chaos that exists in the game it’s a major injustice to punish a really honorable team that clearly made its way to the top without cheating or exploiting because at a single moment that a program checked for presence you found them missing in their brother alliance. It’s very easy to go back and check if what Oddin says it’s true. And that is the way to bring back justice and correct a mistake. We don’t really ask for a favor or for special treatment but for the obvious. To correct a mistake that a program did. Thank you for reading and I hope you will be fair to us as (almost)always


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019
Here we go again,same company same scenario.Why BHG choose to hunt and bann Alliances and players that don't have a (proper) bond with the authorities and at the other hand cooperate and obey to those Alliance and players that have a proper bond with the authorities.What scenario can make you climb the leaderboard in this game? To be good at this game or to be good with BHG?.
If you want to make proper glory decay staff you don't have to warn Alliances, that's the only way to catch Ghost Alliances.What's the point of warn Alliances about glory decay and Alliances that are ghosts a long time now,getting full within an hour?.Don't know what is fair play in this game anymore, this have to change,BHG have to stop searching for sacrificial Lambs and find and punish the real root of all Evil.


New member
Dec 21, 2021
A clear case why some thing are better dealing with human intelligence. This bot went to far (termination is in order!) I am surprised that something so obvious like that hasn't been already fixed by the GM's but I feel confident that they will address the issue quickly and restore your rank as it is one of those cases that noone can argue for the injustice of the penalty delivered


New member
Jan 26, 2023
I do not know where to start cause this has affected me and my alliance very much and I do not know if we can regroup after that but I will try my best to explain a few things...

First of all I wanna say that for years we play to the best of our ability without engaging in illegal or immoral in-game activities. Nobody in my alliance ever did any TT cloning or run any museum bot or used the external server. We fought and achieved high positions in the leaderboard through our dedication and effort.

While being a top alliance, we never liked seeing other alliances parked up there at the top and doing glory sniping or just abandoning the WWs altogether. We always felt that the leaderboard must be clean from inactive alliances and I have personally sent messages to @Harlems369th in order to run the glory decay script more often.

Having said that, we have a sister alliance called GREEK STEEL. We have never done a war together with the boys there so on the 23rd of January we visited them and as we are not many players, Greeks Reborn was left with just a few members, and matched a team in a single 30vs30. War day was on the 24th and the war ended very late on the 25th of January. So, we decided to just sleep and the next day we would go back to Greeks reborn and resume our wars there.

Meanwhile, the announcement about glory decay went live at the forums but nobody saw it. Not that it would change much as our war was still in progress in its last hours and bed time was near. Anyway, we slept and we woke up only to find upon our return to Greeks Reborn that we have 2013 glory less!!!

I can understand coding something and doing some harm cause a script cannot think of every possible situation and exception. But here, it is crystal clear that we have an exception to the rule.
-From when is it legit to punish 20 people for just visiting a sister alliance for 2 days?
-How is it possible to cancel the 8-9 month effort of 20 players to reach the top of the leaderboard like this?
I do not understand any of it.... We are all grown ups and I believe we can accept a mistake when it is being done and correct it! That is what is expected from adults!

As the leader of Greeks reborn I am making this post on behalf of all my alliance members and therefore I request BHG employees @TheWise @Harlems369th to reconsider and award us back the glory we lost.

Odysseas aka oddin
This is unfair for our alliance GREEKS REBORN. This unfair penalty makes us feel that some alliances or some people in BHG have a big problem with legality or they have special relationship whith BHG. Why don’t you check what happens in Ares or other top alliances. You hit an alliance that never gives a reason for cheating. We reach this glory after big effort and some of us we have payed a lot of money and time for this, especially the leadership. It’s a big shame how you treat us. You must give the stolen glory back immediately. Shame on you NEXON/BIG HUGE GAMES.


Approved user
Jun 11, 2018
Greeks Reborn -2013 for 2 days of inactivity
Jiggly Puffs -2124 for 7 months of inactivity (!!!!)
Ares Killers -943 for 2 months of inactivity
Rebel House -1263 for 6 months of inactivity (!!!!)
LAHØRD@ -2871 for 1 month of inactivity
台灣噗攏拱天團 -2832 for 5 months of inactivity
Momineen and Ares alliances were filled with players just 1-2 days before the script and nothing happened for them. No glory decay despite being the ones that did glory sniping for months and they were practically the reason for creating the glory decay script in the first place!

food for thought...
In fairness, we had populated ARES to push for axp due to the new perk levels and were in a war when the script was run. Don't forget that AGH and Mars were hit extraordinarily hard, and AGH was in same exact boat as Greeks Reborn. Warred constantly then just a few days prior moved some accounts out to fight at a sister alliance.

The script took a snapshot and affected alliances with less than 10 players the hardest.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Even though some will hate me:

I am sorry but I have no regrets for you.

If your alliance had less than 10 accounts, then you deserve the reduction.
Your sister alliance has 23 members, your main alliance has 35 members. So there is no reason to leave an alliance empty and even more so it is no reason if you "only" want to start a 30v war.

The numbers you quote are wrong as we are playing a 30vs with members from GREEK STEEL. Once they return back to their alliance, the numbers change significantly. We are about 20 members in the Greeks reborn alliance.

I do not understand why you say you have no regrets for us... it is as if you have something against us ...


Approved user
May 17, 2018
and you find perfectly logical that BHG took all that glory from us basically nullifying our effort to reach the top of the leaderboard? Just because we were missing for 2 days?? Without ever explaining the parameters of the glory decay to the community?

Think of it this way.... What if it was your alliance? You may answer that you do not care about glory but lets say they took something from you that you do care... What would be your reaction then? Especially when it was unfair


New member
Jan 26, 2023
Even though some will hate me:

I am sorry but I don't feel sorry for you.

If your alliance had less than 10 accounts, then you deserve the reduction.
Your sister alliance has 23 members, your main alliance has 35 members. So there is no reason to leave an alliance empty and even more so it is no reason if you "only" want to start a 30v war.
If your main alliance is only doing 20v wars as you say, then surely 15 non-warriors would be left behind and there would have been no glory decay.
Looking at your history, I'm sure this wasn't the first and only time you left the alliance either. It might be the first time in such a large number at the same time.

The only bad thing is that it didn't hit everyone and it didn't hit everyone equally hard.
I would suggest to run the decay script every day, than glory snipe has been settled!

As additional note: i run an alliance far away from top500, so I have no advantage from it.
Nobodyknows. You shall not speak if you don’t know. I don’t know who are you and which alliance you are a member but you must know that our alliance is one the most clear alliances of this game.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019

no, I have nothing against you. I didn't know you at all until recently. But I believe that the script has a purpose and therefore I am not sorry for your glory.

Maybe BHG should rethink the formula for penalising points, but I also think a refund is wrong.
And I didn't know you either, so why you starting an attack to an Alliance you don't know? We don't want to feel sorry for Greeks Reborn, if you don't want to help cause all knowing that's unfair and the most Alliances travel from one Alliance to the other.Maybe you have a Daddy in upper leaderbord and unleash his dog. Maybe your tongue are faster than your brain. Maybe you have your reasons.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
No, it's not perfectly logical that they don't explain the criteria and/or why the decay is different. I think that should be explained accurately. To prevent secondary accounts from circumventing the rule, you can additionally specify that the remaining 10 players can't all be iron age.
It's not at all logical that they don't run the script continuously but only irregularly. It is illogical to warn about it at all and even more illogical to do it with such a short lead time.
But it is logical that the alliance was too small at the time of the test and gets a penalty. No matter if it was only 2 or 200 days.
Look on the bright side, it's only -7% (2013 out of 28956). You are still in the top 50, not 1000th.
It is certainly extremely annoying for you, especially because it takes several weeks to get there again. A speeding ticket is just as annoying: you can't just refuse the fine and say but I'm driving very exemplary the rest of the year.
weeks? it takes many months mate!! The game is a lot different up there


Feb 26, 2022
i do not attack greeks reborn. I defend the actions taken by BHG - it is a small difference ;-)
it is you who are demanding extra treatment
Your claim is here in a public forum. Then everyone is allowed to express their opinion and not just the supporters, right?
Yes everyone is allowed to express his opinion. That’s the first pillar of democracy and you are speaking to Greeks. But that doesn’t mean that by expressing your opinion you are right. Every opinion is judged. And at the end the opinion that is most commonly accepted wins. That’s the second pillar of democracy. And I don’t know if you can see it but you are the only one that has a different opinion here. Everyone works for the commonwealth and tries to make the game better and fair. They don’t sit in a corner just being happy with a mistreatment of another. And that’s the last pillar of democracy. Hope you learned something today


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019
i do not attack greeks reborn. I defend the actions taken by BHG - it is a small difference ;-)
it is you who are demanding extra treatment
Your claim is here in a public forum. Then everyone is allowed to express their opinion and not just the supporters,
How you can defend BHG with the quality of game that give us nowadays? This is the most weird thing about you. Express your opinion and then get the price from BHG for being a good boy. BHG script for Glory decay is clearly need to change and most people say the same, but you don't tell us why you insist? You are the programmer of the script?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
To the members of Greek Reborn: if nobodyknowsthetrouble doesn't feel sorry for you - who cares? It's just one person's opinion.
Assuming what you've told us is the whole truth you're better off directing your energy at BHG.
Just my $0.02.


Approved user
Jun 11, 2018
Not a member of Greeks Reborn here...

The alliance should not have been hit with a GD. The algorithm parameter for alliance size was based upon an instantaneous snapshot that did NOT take into account recent war activity. Glory is purely a function of war, not instantaneous alliance size.

Let's face it, GD was created to reign in glory sniping. Sharing accounts between 2 alliances to have a bigger war is  hardly glory sniping, and I should know because we glory snipe all the damn time!

Folks like @nobodyknowsthetrouble should keep their opinions to themselves in a public forum when they have absolutely zero clue about the depth of the subject matter, otherwise they look like utter fools and @nobodyknowsthetrouble certainly did a bang up job convincing me of such.

King DHoogster

DomiNations Veteran
Oct 11, 2018
There was too much to actually read. But I got
The gist of it I think.

Wish BHG gave all the perameters of the glory decay but obviously if they did then the alliances that take advantage of glory sniping and multiple alliances would be able to do the bare minimum to skate past. To be fair I don’t believe there is anything wrong with glory sniping or having multiple
Alliances. This is a strategy game and teams thought outside the box to further their success. Even tho I don’t think there is anything wrong with this strategy I am against doing it. The strategy does not help the game grow our help promote a more competitive leader board. In the end I’m glad they implemented the glory decay as I believe and hope it will promote a better experience for more players in the top 100.

It seems like BHG created an auto script to combat inactive teams along with an attempt to promote single alliance teams. As it is their game and it is their right to do so.

I do agree that Greek reborn should not been hit with this. But we don’t know all the factors in why a team would receive glory decay. Hopefully this was just an over site in the script and BHG can and will resolve this.


Approved user
Jun 11, 2018
Sorry, but, i am allowed to respond, in a public forum everyone is allowed to respond even if he disagree with you ;-)
If Greeks Reborn had addressed their concerns by contacting support, then I would have no reason or chance to interfere. In a forum it looks different, especially since they are looking for support.
Here it should also be allowed to say that you have a different opinion without being immediately labeled as stupid. I have not written any personal attacks. Surely I am not as stupid as you think.
You can disagree that 2+2=4 just because someone posted it publicly. You are absolutely free to state your opinions regardless of how they don't align with reality. As far a "stupid" I believe I said "foolish" not stupid. Two entirely different concepts. Remember, it is always better to stay silent and make folks wonder if you're a fool than to speak up and prove it.