Has this game got a future?!

Lamb shank

Approved user
Aug 21, 2018
Hi All

Apologies for this long post in advance.

as the title suggests I’m after the answer to a rather big question which I would love a staight answer from the forum community and most importantly the devs(if there are any) as well.

Little back ground ,ive been playing for around 3-4 years now and/did love the game style play and all the fun features it has. It has imo the potential to be as big as Coc (not using the name just in case) if it wasn’t for the forgive my passion/angry words now the complete lack of skill , interest, ability or sheer ignorance of the game developers.

The cheating weather it’s the unlimited amount of ea’s in war or the using 3 defence and 3 offensive coals at the same time. The fact we have to prove the cheating by taking screen shots and videos for them to look at?! Seriously it’s your game you do the work!

Then the bugs so many here but here’s just a few:-
•chat which is still messed up so badly its shocking that our only communication in the game doesn’t work!
•replays is there any point in them?! Pretty sure I click a reply and it shows me one from 3 years ago when I was Stone Age! Jk but you know what I mean!
•crashing in war and lose an attack for no reason!
my favourites so far.

But my bullet point questions to the forum community is:-
• Do you all still play because like me you have invested too much time and money in to stop and it’s better than watching tv? Or do you seriously think this game will improve and become fair play?

And my question to people like tin solder and the devs out there:-
• Do you actually care about this game anymore and are you actually interested in sorting out the many problems there are? still are? and still recurring?

if you turned around to me and said I just want to fleece you for all the money you have for as long as I can , I may have more respect for that answer than no answer as at least your honest rather than just ignorant!

Sorry for the rant all feed back appreciated.

lamb shank


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Assuming the game doesn't control your life and you only play casually for the last 3-4 yrs, does it really matter that there are some issues with the game? What game doesn't have issues? (granted, some issues are over a year old).
If you've been playing for this long you've clearly found a way to deal with the issues or work around them, so good on you. :D
Me, I'll be playing as long as the game is around. It's better to have most of what you want than none of what you want.

ps: Lamb shank , like you I've also spent money in the past but that's not why I play. I'm playing because that investment has paid off and now I can enjoy the benefits. Money well spent is a good thing. :D
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No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
It has, as long as the game will give more updates and features.
And I'm also ftp player 😃

Lamb shank

Approved user
Aug 21, 2018
I’ve been on and off due to the extreme bugs like the chat so my progress is slow due to frustration of the devs. But I like the game and keep coming back to see if changes for the better have been made. Only to be disappointed by even more problems like the cheating and lack of action to combat it. I’ll admit the added content is good and keeps the game fresh which I’m sure is why most people still play despite the constant neglect to stop cheaters. There are other games companies that do things about this and I play some of those games and respect them for taken action and those games as a whole are balanced and fun. But I enjoy the style of this game. I wish I could swap there devs with this game and I would be happy. But I’m only one voice which I know means nothing on the broad spectrum here.

Lamb shank

Approved user
Aug 21, 2018
Also you say money well spent. Is that because you have upgraded enough to be high enough to combat these cheaters in a good alliance that knows what it’s doing? So even with perfect scores all round your alliance is good enough to out perform these ea spammers and or 6 coal wonders?


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
I still love this game as much as I did 2-3 years ago.I'm online pretty much all day even when I'm at work.

Introduction of Stronghold made it a bit more interesting, even if it's fully P2W.

Museum perks are great, even if they're there to distract us from existing problems.

Yes, some troops are just plain retarded like Wall miners and Machine Gun but I hardly use them, so...

World War matchmaking needs to improve.
And I'd like to see World War loot increased drastically.

Retrain button once a day IS a nice touch, very handy if you doing attacks late on.

Cheaters and hackers are a problem. I mean who wants to be invaded by 8+ planes and OP tactics, right? Those players needs to be banned not given a slap on a wrist.

In my opinion this is still the best historically realistic strategy game out there. All other games look and feel exactly the same only with different graphics. That's what I love about this game you can change the layout of your Base at any time however you like.

It would be nice to have an ability to change your in game name. I lot of my members have random names that they wish to change.

I'd like to see prices on Stronghold troops decreased. A lot more people would buy SH troops if they were more affordable. I don't mind spending £20 a month on troops that offer good value for money AND have good hitpoints and damage. I only started buying SH troops about 4 months ago.
Also whatever happened to free gifts for alliance members when you bought SH troops?

Overall I still planning on playing this game till the end whenever that might be. Preferably waaay after Space Age and Present time Age.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
@lamb shark: i really hope this game will have a future, not because I spent money because I didn't but simply because it is the one and only fine strategic game that kept me in front of the screen for more than 3/4 years...just like you

Lamb shank

Approved user
Aug 21, 2018
Maybe I need to join an alliance who can beat these cheaters?! Although I would love to see them gone completely, In my experience yes they do fast times but there often not skilled even with 10 planes and 14 ea cards😂. So getting a 1:30 on as and cwa is quiet easy as along the rest of the alliance can do that as well and take these cheaters down a peg or 2.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
My level is besides the point. And I'm not in a warring alliance so clearly l don't know the pain you go through.
The occasional cheater l come across in mp doesn't bother me, l move on to the next match.
Cheaters don't phase me. If someone can only win or only get a sense of achievement by cheating then 'so what'? It's not the end of the world & it doesn't change anything in life. I move on to the next match.
Money well spent is a good thing if it gets you what you want, and supposedly it did, so how can it be bad? :D

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Lamb why not trying to join a small fun alliance anyway? Maybe Manifesto 's 🤣 ? Or LordStark263AC 's ?
You know when we get bored we don't surrender, we try something new then get back on track!


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Dragonstone 1.0 is always open to new and established players, you can join as at any time. LINE messenger required.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Huh, is there any part-time alliance though?🙄
Are you guys level 10 now Stark?


Approved user
Aug 2, 2018
We're existing since 26 December 2017 (that's when first members joined us). We are miles off level 10 alliance. Level 7. After a really horrendous month of bad matchmaking we're are on a winning streak, 8 in a row I believe. 36-30 in World Wars.

Lamb shank

Approved user
Aug 21, 2018
The prob is i love war and very passionate about it and winning fairly. It’s why I’ve done so much on my offence and I everything I do is about war. But finding a fair play alliance who are good is hard atm. I tend to stay a long time in alliances about 1 year or so have only experience of a few but to me it’s not that hard of game with a little planning so for other team mates to fail so badly frustrates me sometimes. It’s also the reason these alliances I join fall apart because other like minded people start to leave.


Approved user
Dec 1, 2016
What I do is opt out of ww, put my workers on a 15 day construction projects and go play WoW. 2 weeks later come back, medal drop, raid, repeat. No reason to spend money at all on this game. Not anymore that is.


Approved user
May 12, 2015
Agreed. Nexon made it pretty obvious that it's only worth paying if you've got a bunch of money to burn. Plunking $50-70 down makes little difference in this game. Instead, log in occasionally to play for free, and spend that money on entire new games instead.