How to scout


Approved user
Apr 7, 2019
Everybody has been talking about how to form a proper army to attack and how the attacks work, but what about scouting? Scouting is to get a hold of the enemy's base and strategise what defenses are available there and how to counter those defenses. Here are some tips to note when scouting and strategising.

1. Forbidden city

Those things are a pain in the ass when both the town centre and forbidden city are heavily defended. But some players tend to ignore the forbidden city and focus on the town hall instead. So all you need to do for that occasion is to send heavy infantry to destroy the forbidden city and your main troops could take down the town centre. If both are heavily defended, you might want to go for a 50% damage first.

2. Defender spawners(garrisons/tank depots etc.)

The defenders can really annoy you if you do not have much defender-killers like gatling gunners and bazookas. Do not underestimate those spawners though, for they could kill commandoes with ease and outnumber tanks. For the tank depot(spawns heavy tanks), check to see if the inside is glowing. If it is, it means it has heavy tanks ready to defend the town. Carry betrayal with you if you see some as you are going to need those heavy tanks on your side during the attack. If the player has a coalition that buffs up defenders(e.g. maori coalition) carry more gatling gunners and brace your fighter planes.

3. Glory win-lose count

Most people often get scared is they have a high win-lose count. This is mainly because the enemy clan donates strong troops to help even the weak in their clan, which is why weak attackers hardly get stars in wars. If the win-lose count is about 2.5-1 or higher and your alliance only donates barracks/factory troops, this is because the enemy is most likely to donate stronghold troops to each other, which is highly not recommended since the stronghold troops will run out as they are being used faster than they are earned(or purchased using money) by looking at the glory win-lose count, you know what the enemy may have in store and can prepare for it. One industrial barrage is sufficient to kill atomic age howitzers, so do bring that if you want that town hall star.

4. Isolated buildings

Some tricky players tend to use the trick or isolating a few buildings far away from the others so that their attacks will miss some buildings when the timer runs out. So you can scout that too and counter that with one cavalry and a few heavy and ranged infantry to deal with those isolated buildings to secure your last star if your main troops successfully destroyed the main base.

5. Odd holes

Some players have the tendency to leave holes in their base to trap enemy troops, so look for roads and other odd holes that might have traps hidden within it. For example, the enemy is most likely to place spike traps in areas with little or no cannon towers defending. This way, you can estimate where the traps are and avoid it, but if the other ways to attack seem more harsh on your army, then you can use a spy or sherman crab tank or anything that disables traps to help your army to strike in the area full of traps.

Thats about all that i have for tips on scouting, of course, there are many ways to scout and strategise. You can also inform your clan on how to attack the base if its scouted by you already as that would help them a lot.

I am cakeden, council of conqueror quest and im happy to help.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
excellent post mate! Its been a while since I saw some kind of tip/how to/guide in here.

just fyi, i am in the progress of translating our alliance's mini wiki that has a ton of useful info

Rogue Squirrel

Approved user
Sep 5, 2018
Nice summary - in wars I like to take a screenshot of the bases I'm going to attack to help me plan in advance


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Don’t forget the value of probing attacks too! Sending a weak attacker to determine what is in the enemy TC and SH and find traps can help a main attacker best prepare for the victory.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
cakeden thanks for the tips. It is usefull, the point is that you did not specify the army you are using and the tactics you have.
In other words, if you have heavy tank 5 of more and 8 supersonic fighters you don't care about the tips above, you just attack who you need and you will most probably 5 star it. Then, if you add 3 assaults, 2 med and 2 protect, you won't loose any of the tanks.
What I can see is that every update we get from Nexon, they fix some issues, but they create others. Initially the assault rally was the armageddon, then they reduce its effects but they pumped the zookas...Many people now war with RPGs only and seven assaults. 5starred (230 CWA) in 1 minute and half.

In my opinion the base to attack in WW must be chosen along with your alliance members, to put everyone in the position to attack and get some stars. Second attack must be to close some opponents left behind. That's it, sometimes it is easy sometimes not.

So you posts should sounds more like "how to max the stars" than how to scout.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2019
Thanks for your advice albynos, but do take note that using the same army over and over again is not always the best way. You see, if the enemy has its spawner buildings surrounded by towers, air defenses and hidden S.A.M. batteries, most likely they can shoot your fighters down if they go to far in the enemy's base. So something you can do is to use some sabotage to disable air defenses to allow your planes to fly without dying easily. The heavy tanks are strong and fires fast, yes, but they are extremely population-expensive and too much is not good because its less likely for you to get 100% destruction on time, so you should only have about 50% of your troops be heavy tanks, while filling up the other 50% with backups like supply healers, machine gunners and bazooka units to back your tanks up. With them backing your tanks up, you can replace 2 fighters with bombers to destroy cannon towers and other buildings that are annoying for your tanks. With this army combination, i am sure that you can 5 star bases easier.

Also scouting may not be as important as 5 starring war bases to you, but its good for planning your attacks, otherwise you will be confused on how to attack the base and lose stars. I have met an atomic i can five star due to him not finishing his war base. As the saying goes, "dont judge a book by its cover". Hence this is the main reason why i feel that scouting is essential in better victories.

I hope that you can accept the tips i have given for your army and understand my opinion in scouting.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
cakeden I fully got you. Probably your approach works with WW, in multiplayer you decide your army first and than you choose your opponents so no way of planning.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2019
albynos i hear you. But there is one way to scout in multiplayer. There are definitely players who attacked you before right? So you can visit their bases by tapping the village name and then visit. You can see the player's base from there and decide on how to attack.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
cakeden right understood what you mean. Let's make it this way, like the devil's lawyer, let's suppose you have been attacked by Mr. Banana and he looted you big amount of res (1mln). You search the player, you scout it and you see it is feasible. So you go back to your town, build the strongest army you can and you click "Revenge" (I think this is what you mean). The war starts and as soon as the screen loads up you realize that you can steal him 1.000gold 1000 food 100 oil, while he stole you 1mln.

To make it short, if you click revenge and the battle starts, if you quit before deploying any unit, will it save you entire army?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Yes it saves your army if you don't deploy any troops. Just like a regular mp battle.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2019
King Crimson is right, troops that are not placed on the battlefield will not have to be retrained. Its easier to forgive and forget and enjoy the game as it is rather than fight for just 1000 gold, 1000 food and 100 oil.