I need to talk to you please


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
@Harlems369th I sent you a pm message about what happened please really read it I'm sorry but if you actually read it you will realize why and put yourself in my position I've been asking about not having customer service for 3 weeks to this day no customer service yet I'm vip 14 and helpshift doesn't respond so forum is my only communication and that doesn't even help. I would love to praise the staff and the game as it was once the greatest game out but without some fixes it's simply not and given the money spent hearing what I have to say about it should be heard .

please read the PM to you it's under banned vip put previous discussion

I'm sorry again but after reading what I said you may understand


Sep 25, 2022
Just FYI, I have also asked for some personal attention (from 369th) and received no reply...
It'd be nice if there was some way to talk to an actual GM instead of taking our chances with Customer Service....


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Just FYI, I have also asked for some personal attention (from 369th) and received no reply...
It'd be nice if there was some way to talk to an actual GM instead of taking our chances with Customer Service....
I haven't had a customer service response in 3 weeks and counting now and was banned from forum for a week for asking for help said I was spamming and rage full but being high vip it's right there in tos to get priority customer service response

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
No offense but your VIPness entitlement shouldn't have any bearing anything It's just common courtesy that if someone asks a question or has a problem a CS dept gives you an answer.
In the case of a company - like BHG - it should be courtesy AND good business practice.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
No offense but your VIPness entitlement shouldn't have any bearing anything It's just common courtesy that if someone asks a question or has a problem a CS dept gives you an answer.
In the case of a company - like BHG - it should be courtesy AND good business practice.
you don't understand the situation here it's been 4 weeks now no. customer service I have to uninstall and reinstall they then respond to something from the first time I stopped getting customer service and say they are responding but it's not going to my account, it says right in the VIP screen priority customer service and getting 0 without hav to uninstall and reinstall is a bug which I have to keep asking here to be fixed

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
you don't understand the situation here it's been 4 weeks now no. customer service I have to uninstall and reinstall they then respond to something from the first time I stopped getting customer service and say they are responding but it's not going to my account, it says right in the VIP screen priority customer service and getting 0 without hav to uninstall and reinstall is a bug which I have to keep asking here to be fixed
I do understand - I'm simply pointing out that BHG's CS dept should be giving out some actual CS.
Anything less is BS.
Frankly, I couldn't care less about your lvl of VIP. I'm lvl 12 and I don't care about my VIP. People should be treated as people first and anything else after that. But that's the problem - as enlightened as we claim to be as a society, we're still stuck on the class system mentality.
If Elon Musk walked into a surgery with a splinter in his finger I'd expect him to wait in line while an ordinary citizen gets treated accordingly. Of course, if Elon Musk had no luck or treatment after 4 weeks I imagine he'd be as pissed as you. Pity you don't have enough money to buy BHG, fire the CS dept and hire new staff.

ps: If you do fire the CS dept, then please do something about the programmers as well ...

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
Consider what I say as a guide and help. When you send 5 useless posts in the forum in one day, you probably send an unreasonable ticket every hour in the game. My suggestion is to contact support only when you really have a problem. I've always been critical of how support interacts in some areas, but in-game, no ticket goes unanswered, even if you haven't spent a cent.