Level 16 HungryHungHippos looking for recruits!


Approved user
Apr 23, 2019
We are a level 16 alliance with some 30 or so players. We have over 200k combined donations. 10k donations for council seat, 25k for co-leader. Wars 2-3 times a week. Easy going alliance.

Join HungryHungHippo today!
Last edited:
Jan 26, 2016
Hey Hungry Hippos, my alliance sounds similar to yours, level 16, relaxed alliance. We have 40 members but over time our active numbers have tailed off.

Perhaps we could discuss a merger? First need to check we’d be a good match. On the war front, it’s optional in our alliance and we’re happy to have several major players who do not war at all, but contribute a lot in troop and Parliament donations. We do have a good number of regular war players, probably 1 to 2 wars a week.

We’ve been together a long time, chat isn’t overly busy but we’re a happy bunch together. We have simple rules, donate troops as well as take, war is optional, no pressure to war but only volunteer if you will use both attacks. We ask war players make a best effort but don’t criticise as long as people obviously tried.

Let me know f you think it’s worth exploring.

Our Alliance is the “Hedonists”.