MRL Buff Sugestion


Approved user
Mar 15, 2018
After reading Joe’s post regarding the upcoming MRL troop buff, I thought I’d voice my opinion on how to make this unit more useful.

As a level 277 CWA player, I - like many, have invested a great amount of time, oil and real money into maxing this unit out, only to have it rendered useless after the rebalance.

With the insane defender HP increase, I believe it makes sense to rework this unit into a long range anti-tank troop unit. The defending HT are nothing short of absurd, and this will certainly help balance things out. With the MRL targeting enemy troops from range it will allow for your attack helicopters to attack defending buildings with a bit more cover, increasing their terrible survival rate.

Thansk for your consideration BHG.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Joe Grubb, the biggest problem with the MRL is the AI. The MRL often stays far back from your army and they seem to travel in bunch’s. The Heavy artillery’s AI is still much better. I also notice the MRL’s seem to get caught up in walls. Considering the damage the MRL supposedly puts out it sure doesn’t feel like it. Something is wrong with this unit. Please fix the AI.

Mat 3 BloodyBarons

Approved user
Jan 15, 2018
I really like MRL but as you said they are staying back, a boost of speed will be nice they are running too slow.
joe could you help?