Nexon Logic


Approved user
Mar 15, 2018
TinSoldier Can you please ask your team why they insist on implementing changes that they deem as an improvement, even when the very vast majority of community figure heads, of which represent your most active and dedicated players, begged and pleaded that the changes not be made . As they rightfully claimed that the enhancements wouldn’t only fail to make the game more enjoyable. But in return, make it significantly less enjoyable.

It would seem logical to most anyone that keeping your customers happy is a reasonable objective for any organization. Clearly this is not the case with BHG.

France Solidaire

Approved user
Jan 3, 2016
Si nexon voulais faire partir c est client chapeau il a réussi tout est fait en dépit du bon sens et de la communauté de joueur
If nexon wanted to get away from it's hat client he managed everything is done despite common sense and the player community