Notification About Forming War Coalitions Maybe A Little Sooner


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
It's odd and I know it's been this way forever and only today it bugged me but I wish there would be a better notification about when war is going to start. I leave the game notifications on so that I know when research is done or expeditions come back. The dumbest part about it is the reminder to form coalitions before war starts but the notification only pops up 1 minute before war starts. I suppose that is enough time but slower devices will take much longer just to log in. That also doesn't include if you happen to be under attack or are being scouted so you miss it. It's fine if the game doesn't adjust that but I don't know why it suddenly bothered me.

Does it matter? I think it does a little. Assuming you have enough ntg's to do it, it's still about strategy. Depending on the top bases on their side I may add coals to try and bait them into adding coals I want them to in order to counter mines. In the last 20 seconds I'll switch or just remove them. If it's a very difficult opponent it probably won't matter since they always use the same coals. It's the same idea as having a fake or different war base layout only to switch it as soon as you get matched. Obviously someone should scout no matter what but sometimes people don't.