Please put an end to the trollgramming in regards to NTG's.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
The first point is relatively simple. It's beyond time for 5 stars to guarantee NTG's. Too many things in this game come down to ''chances''. This shouldn't be one of them.

The second point is actually far more important, particularly in late game. Why oh why would Moctezuma's ''bonus'' NTG ever(and consistently in my opinion) be one that you already have? It should either be one that you have the least of, or at bare minimum, NOT BE ONE THAT YOU'RE FULL OF. For example: Say I have 30 teas, 30 lumber, 30 cheese, 28 salt, 7 scrolls, 3 silk, 9 porcelain, 24 marble. It sure seems a bit dubious that my bonus is likely to be lumber or tea seemingly 90% of the time in this scenario.

I know that you probably make decent scratch from people desperately crowning NTG's in a pinch. But between this and the astonishing propensity for the most common coalitions sharing those same rare late game NTG's it just makes you look incredibly petty. Let's be real here, post global age people likely aren't using Aztecs, Mongols, Indians, Cherokee. This week alone you have Maori and Russians requiring Japanese i.e- the most rare NTG in late game. I think Filipinos and and Russians are requiring Koreans- the 2nd or 3rd most rare NTG.

You've made solid strides here in the last few months even this cynical curmudgeon has to give credit where credit is due. This petty nickel and diming trollgramming should not be a part of the game anymore. It's not like any Space+ raid is a casual Sunday stroll. Please stop adding insult to injury. At the very least reprogram the bonus NTG to no longer be one you're maxed on. Reward the grinders. It still takes 60 of the things per war regardless.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
I think you forgot that this is a p2w game.. BHG will not give easy NTG


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Or let us buy NTG shipments with food and gold. I am constantly full now I've finished my walls. And make the victory rewards in kingdom and empire leagues more than 1 or 2 NTGs.


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
The only time I had issue with NTGs was when I was hanging in Empire and Dynasty leagues. Other than that, I have never, not even once was short on any NTGs, it's just a matter of attacking more bases. I see this complain from a lot of my alliance mates, yet I can never understand why would anyone ever be short on them, if they put 1-2h a day to raid. My only explanation is really poor pvp performance and inability to 5* bases. I don't recall last time I didn't get NTG even from 4* attack.

There are few university researches to increase the chances of certain NTGs, and having few museum artifacts with NTG chance increase helps too.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
The only time I had issue with NTGs was when I was hanging in Empire and Dynasty leagues. Other than that, I have never, not even once was short on any NTGs, it's just a matter of attacking more bases. I see this complain from a lot of my alliance mates, yet I can never understand why would anyone ever be short on them, if they put 1-2h a day to raid. My only explanation is really poor pvp performance and inability to 5* bases. I don't recall last time I didn't get NTG even from 4* attack.

There are few university researches to increase the chances of certain NTGs, and having few museum artifacts with NTG chance increase helps too.
Regardless of how good you are at attacking or how often you play, NTGs shouldn't be a grind. Challenging, yes but not a grind. I think 3 stars should be a possible NTG, 4 stars a guaranteed NTG and 5stars guaranteed 2 NTGs - before any other bonuses.
Nexon should make people want to play, not have to play.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Hmm. Well I'm a digital age who raids between 1800-2400 medals and Greeks, Japanese and Koreans simply do not exist, certainly not in any sort of sustainable numbers anyway. Those uni researches, artifacts and 5 star acumen mean nothing when you never come across those nations. I suspect the handful of folks using those nations who made it up to CWA are attacked as soon as they log off. I'm also an atomic and global and neither of those ages are flush with the aforementioned either.

This game is more niche by the day, the nations are horribly unbalanced and anyone who's played long enough to make it to atomic, much less the last three ages, know those three are garbage. Yet these guys seem to base all their decisions on the entire amount of downloads. Sure, when you count all the abandoned accounts I'm sure those three seem quite popular. Among active late game players though? Meh.

Regardless of the poor and only likely to worsen nation balance, my primary concern with this post is for the PTB to do something about the infuriating and all-too-common circumstance of the 'bonus' NTG being one that you're already full of. There is absolutely no reason for it to be like that. It's really a minor token of goodwill to active players in the grand scheme of things for that part to be fixed. Especially when it takes 60 ntg's per war anyway.
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Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
Yeah, everyone agrees ) but what to do if BHG want to force us to fork out in this way. Pay 2 win, guys, pay..


New member
Oct 9, 2017
Well is coming to a year and close to 1000 consecutive 3 to 5 star victories i dont receive ntg. Instead of fixing it nexon introduce ironside as a workaround. N best of all we all have to pay for it


Approved user
Oct 12, 2018
Let's see...we want to be able to keep high medals, have easy bases to farm, and not only be guaranteed NTGs, but the specific NTGs we want as well.

Sounds perfectly rational...

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
I wouldn't exactly call between 1800-2400 high medals seeing as I've been parked there for ages. It's more of a chore to leave that range in either direction than it's worth. Nor would I call any bases in late game easy to farm. And nowhere in this post does it say anything about wanting specific ntg's. It points out and yes, laments, the lack of those three mentioned but they're not going to suddenly pop out of thin air in great numbers. Since a nation rebalance isn't happening this late in the game's life it asks to simply not have the bonus ntg be one we're full of. Not exactly an unreasonable request when they appear one at a time and one needs up to 60 of them.
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Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
I was honestly questioning whether to bump up to SA because I thought NTGs would become a problem, but have to say that since i did, ive not noticed much of a difference. Could be the age requirement drop, but more likely its because i made a conscious decision to not fully upgrade my coalitions. To me it was kind of a given that if you are gaining huge bonuses in a game where most upgrades are only 3% that you are going to be expected to put some work in to make them active.

That said, montezumas capstone is broken, there is no reason why it should grant you a NTG that you are already maxed on, it may be more complicated to program then im giving them credit for, but it just seems lazy on the devs part.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
I honestly don't know why it doesn't give the option to pick the coalition level. It wouldn't even have to offer every level for every coalition. Maybe an option of full, half and a quarter of your max coalition level rounded up?