Space Age Wonders: Build or Bust?


Approved user
Jan 4, 2016
Apologies if this has cropped up anywhere already and I've missed it; but having just reached the Space Age I'm a bit conflicted on which of the four new wonders is the best one for me.
It feels like the four new additions somewhat lack the punch that came with the Atomic wonders( Pentagon benefitting defence and plane retraining, UN with defence, then university and shipyard benefits respectively).

The new space shuttle is similar to the Brandenburg Gate (With the scan tactic), but comes without any additional benefits.

The Unisphere helps on defense but only marginally.

The Large Array is similar to the Eiffel Tower (small speed up one per week), and offers a slight cool down to rally during battle.

Lastly; The Lotus Temple provides a pretty nice economic boost for a 6 hour period, once per day.

Being a player that doesn't war very often anymore, the Unisphere doesn't appeal to me at all, and the benefits of the Array and the space shuttle don't really seem impactful enough to make me want them. This leaves the Lotus Temple, but is that really the best option?

Does anyone have any feedback or opinions on these wonders to help with the decision?


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
If you don't war at all, the large array is the clear winner. The faster rally helps in every battle, and speedups are worth more than economic resource boosts.

If you do war, I don't think anything can beat the space shuttle tactic.


Approved user
Dec 2, 2017
I chose the Space Shuttle as the other three did not appeal to me in regards to their ‘benefits’. As mentioned above, the scan helps in WW. If you time it right, you can have one per battle 🙂