the rebalancing goes too far, solutions?

Sir Lex

Approved user
Nov 5, 2018
I watch with disappointment my Clan crack and become less and less active since rebalancing. Players are disappointed to no longer be able to do 5 stars on cities even 20-30 levels lower than theirs. Even the very active players who have played at DomiNation for several years are losing their taste for the game.

The major problem is the lack of time for the quick victory and to complete his attack even if the main body is still alive and growing. Alas, the HP increases in buildings are far too high compared to the DPM of an army, even consisting of high-damage units against buildings.

In addition, the lack of diamonds is sorely lacking because it is needed to recruit the most useful mercenaries. Now mercenaries have become necessary to hope to make 4 or 5 stars and loot some diamonds.

On the other hand, the inability to start playing 2-3 hours of affiliates using Training Idols and Tactics also harms the progress in the game of very active players. This is due to the fact that the entire army perished almost every time which makes the reformation very long despite the idols. Where DomiNation excelled against its competitors (clash of clans, etc.) by the possibility of chaining attacks without having to reform the entire army in case of victory, DomiNation unfortunately gave way. It is no longer necessary to stay on the game after an attack since the reformation of the troops will take a half hour. Thoses Idols must be upgraded !

We think it might be interesting to increase the number of units and the number of usable tactics of 1 which would make the game more playable because as explained above, the troops do not have enough DPM to destroy good a city in the allotted time. If the army is not devastated by the defenses, the lack of time will stop the offensive in the vicinity of 75-90% of destruction. Perhaps, add 5 points of capacity of units per level of factory would be a possible solution? This would increase the size of the army by about 150% (in the nuclear and cold-war era) which is acceptable in the face of the 200% HP increases in buildings.
​​​​​​And you what do you think about it ?


Approved user
May 17, 2018
it is of no importance what we think. We already told them in tens of pages but who listened?

Sir Lex

Approved user
Nov 5, 2018
I had to say it anyway ... Players who have already spent more than 50 € in the game for the house, the villa and other things are just changing the game instead of continuing to spend money in a game they loved.

Gabi C

Approved user
Sep 10, 2018
I already left this game because their so called rebalance. They are just for money, let them have my back.


Approved user
Apr 9, 2018
You clearly right. Cities are very hard now. Lot of groups go war now with 3 or 4 dead cities with levels 7 or so. Also ordinary battles are even more hard than before. DN wants us nexting and nexting until we find a decent opponent? Why? Seems nonsense. People leaves this way or ceases to enjoy.