• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

We are sorry 200 crowns? Thanks but not enough (501 error exception follow up)

Deja Trop Tard

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018

First thanks for the new features you bring to this game, and thanks for the 200 crowns + 4 hours speed up reward after the big big big connection issue we had.

Now, I think it is important we community write
- that this type of incident does *NOT* happen in other games. There are server maintenance sure but... planned. Incident like this are specific to dominations.
- 200 crowns are clearly way not enough to compensate the incident. It would probably be ok for a maintenance compensation.

But please realize people lost their attacks and world wars. People lost troops. In my opinion BHG needs to aknowledge this trouble is not normal and then we should receive something higher like a promise to keep fixing this game which has way too many bugs.

Again, thanks for visible effort.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Agreed to Auto age player we want the materials this cost us and stuff. Can’t crown materials. Yet this will be ignored
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Apr 19, 2023
How many crowns should BHG provide to compensate for the glitched empty War Museum?
*** Players see their museum fully loaded, only opponent can spy and see their actual museum in War.
It's been a few months, and they still haven't fixed this common and critical bug.

I'm sure many players have reported it to customer support, but it seems like nothing has been done.
We've also mentioned this issue in the forum before. @Harlems369th
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
How many crowns should BHG provide to compensate for the glitched empty War Museum? It's been a few months, and they still haven't fixed this bug.

I'm sure many players have reported it to customer support, but it seems like nothing has been done.
We've also mentioned this issue in the forum before. @Harlems369th
Oh I would love this if they did per bug. Every time I defend and the reports are wrong and replays should equal 1000 crowns per event. This might force them to address issues


New member
Mar 4, 2024
Agreed with OP, my alliance lost a sure win war because of this crap, by the time we were able to log back in the war was already over and our big attackers couldn't even do 1 hit because of whatever the hell it was that caused it. BHG didn't even give everyone 12h speed ups, nah, 200 crowns+4x 1h speed ups and stfu plebs is basically what they said.


New member
May 22, 2024
Combien de couronnes BHG devrait-il fournir pour compenser le problème du musée de la guerre vide ?
*** Les joueurs voient leur musée entièrement chargé, seul l'adversaire peut espionner et voir leur musée réel en guerre.
Cela fait quelques mois et ils n'ont toujours pas corrigé ce bug courant et critique.

Je suis sûr que de nombreux joueurs l'ont signalé au support client, mais il semble que rien n'ait été fait.
Nous avons également évoqué ce problème sur le forum auparavant. @Harlems369th

Nous avons été confrontés à ce problème. le musée peut être entièrement vide mais aussi partiellement vide (avec certains artefacts défectueux).

Ca ne règlera pas le bug, mais ça aidera peut-être certains, voici ce que nous avons fait :

Hors guerre, le joueur "désactive" l'intégralité de ses artefacts de guerre pour le vider.
Il quitte le jeu et se reconnecte.
Si le musée est toujours vide au retour, normalement c'est bon.
Si certains artefacts ont repris "miraculeusement" leur place, c'est qu'ils ne peuvent plus être désactivé et qu'en fait ils sont buggés.
Le joueur contacte alors le service client pour lui demander de désactiver ces artefacts. ce qu'ils arrivent à faire normalement.

Vous refaites la même manipulation ci-dessus si nécessaire.

Pour vérifier tout ça, nous envoyons de temps en temps, lorsque c'est possible, un petit compte dans l'équipe adverse pour regarder nos propre musées et vérifier que tous les artéfacts sont bien en place.
Nous prévenons aussi l'équipe adverse en cas de suspicion de musé buggé.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Brother King the crash cost every space age and above more than 200 crowns and 4 hr speed up. This one time I agree they should have put more thought and done better. Plus they accept players money and fail to provide services.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Brother King the crash cost every space age and above more than 200 crowns and 4 hr speed up. This one time I agree they should have put more thought and done better. Plus they accept players money and fail to provide services.
Totally agree - but then again I don't recall saying the compensation is justified or that players shouldn't get more.
I personally would've loved more speedups or crowns ...