What nexon can do against cheating

Don Mario

Approved user
Nov 24, 2019

sure, nexon want to make money with this game and gamers have ambition to get better. However, many good gamers are more and more ****ed off because of cheaters. Some cheating is obvious, some is harder to detect.

I guess everybody will agree that it is totally ok to make money out of this game. The servers have to be payed and so on.

if many players are cheating, the players who want to spend money to this game are not longer willing to participate. There is one sentence to think about:

-> less cheating, more money for nexon! Simple like that.

what can nexon do to prevent cheating?
take a review of the top 10 winner of every event! Like in racing. There you are under parc fermé conditions after a race, until everything is reviewed.
in this case, take a look if everything is ok with these players.

[edit: they are investigating all top 100 gamers by hand! so this sub topic is accepted :) thank you! However, there is room for improvement! Please start the investigation at least 3 days before ending to make it fair for everybody]
one short calculation:
the winner of the event these days got about 125.000 points. If he has a event pass, he would own 51.000 in conclusion from the event. This means, he took 74.000 points out of fight.

74.000/50=1480 fights. Assumed each fight with loading takes 3 min, he had a fighting time about 4440 min which are 74 hours of non stop fighting. Without a break!
with searching for opponents, you can say 5 min per fight is a good number. This means: 7400 min of fighting, including searching. 123h of fighting! Wow. If we assume, he is unemployed and is sleeping 8h a day, he can fight 16h a day. This means you need nearly 8 days to get these points. Is this realistic?

please @support: take your time and review the top 10 players of each event to fight against cheating. This also means more money for you because you have more honest players spending money for this game!
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Approved user
Aug 15, 2018
I was hammering my attacks during the last event and reviewing how many I could make in an hour. Using the infiltrator & zooks with 8 planes, sitting very low medals & only taking bases with sprung traps to minimise troop loses. I was clearing 16 to 20 bases no problem(1000xp). If you had the pass, which I did not, you got 100xp for expeditions. I don't know what you accumulate with that, as it varies with dock lvl, wonders, museum research etc.
I don't think its out question not being able to get the 125k xp, but it would numb your brain doing it.

The winner of my group with 120k xp was placed 2nd globally after the event finished. A few hours later the player had disappeared. I take it after a review removed for cheating.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
... The winner of my group with 120k xp was placed 2nd globally after the event finished. A few hours later the player had disappeared. I take it after a review removed for cheating.

Well at least single cheaters are pulled out. But BHG could and should have inspected all top-level players long before this event system was introduced.

Don Mario

Approved user
Nov 24, 2019
I have done some calculations for this next event.
Loading time on an iPhone 8 was about 3 min for 10 fights. (Just fight, load, search, fight, load 10 times in a row as fast as I could)
this means we have 1/3min ( 20sek) loading time per fight. One fight is on average 2:40 min, which is 3 min all over including loading. This means, my initial post was correct.

if you do this for 8h a day, you will be able to do 480 min of fighting, which is 160 fights a day. With additional 55min of downleveling on medals. So, at least, you are playing this game for 9 hours nonstop on your device.

the event is up for 3 days. Which means 3x160 fights=480 fights.

without a pass, you will gain 24000 extra points. On the very maximum! Let’s see how much the top 10 gamers have in 3 days ;-)

edit: 24000 extra points can be gained by the pass. If you are doing all the fights with 5 stars, which means 25points extra, than you will gain another 12000 points

in conclusion: if you buy a pass, no other has the possibility to reach your points. The difference from pass and no pass is to double your points. Here we have pay to win at its best 🤷🏼

TinSoldier please have a detailed view on gamers who have done more fights than my calculated 480
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Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
People are already 20k+ over and above base points (pass buying base points) it's only 6-7 hrs into event. Many names are familiar from previous events leaderboard also.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Don Mario, please redo your math, it’s wrong. With the pass you gain 75 xp per fight (maximum)

Don Mario

Approved user
Nov 24, 2019
Don Mario, please redo your math, it’s wrong. With the pass you gain 75 xp per fight (maximum)

5stars means 25 points extra. Which means 2400points extra if you buy a pass. You can gain 50 points if you do not buy it. My calculation is about points on top. ;-)


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
Mathematics ). Calculate, don't calculate.. the crooks to remain in their seats.


Approved user
Oct 27, 2019
Cheaters compete at a level that I will never reach, therefore I don’t care. Cheaters are often big paying customers too, so the company keeps them active. Again, I don’t care because I don’t participate in the rat race. I have stayed for years in Global Age and I will be staying for at least one more. The further one is from the top the more enjoyable the game is.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Cheaters compete at a level that I will never reach, therefore I don’t care. Cheaters are often big paying customers too, so the company keeps them active. Again, I don’t care because I don’t participate in the rat race. I have stayed for years in Global Age and I will be staying for at least one more. The further one is from the top the more enjoyable the game is.
Not necessarily true but it depends on the player. I dreaded going to Digital age but now after many months I can do around 10 casual attacks and get anywhere from 10-15 million gold/food plus my oil is almost always full. (308k capacity). If you want to grind medals or NTGS it can be hard and boring, if you want to play casually then having the best troops makes it enjoyable.
Challenging, but still enjoyable. :D


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
Cheaters compete at a level that I will never reach, therefore I don’t care.
Not all of them. Alliance "red and black" have a lvl 17 member who appears to be called "Leader"... but on inspection of his base is actually named <symbol for no league>.

He can't be attacked in War. Cheating, cheap.


Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
Not all of them. Alliance "red and black" have a lvl 17 member who appears to be called "Leader"... but on inspection of his base is actually named <symbol for no league>.

He can't be attacked in War. Cheating, cheap.

Oh leader, we seem to be fighting this alliance now. He can't be attacked, causes instant crash. Their top players get auto 5 stars even if only getting 1 or 2 stars.
they are odds on losing this war by 1:4 yet out gun us by 70 levels for each 15 of the 20 players.
Asian alliance, and i can't read, and even Google translator is confused giving me 3 or different names

Don Mario

Approved user
Nov 24, 2019
TinSoldier please check the Players who are having a Score which can be divided by 250. Here, you can see who is buying the pass and who don’t. Please check the players regarding cheating!