Recent content by Cent Kail

  1. Cent Kail

    Flag Colors do they mean anything ?

    lol, if u play on ipad then flags is white and blue if u play on iphone
  2. Cent Kail

    Worth it or not?

    i say its worth it but if you want to be like everyone else. everyone would change to romans if they want to be an OP nation but the fact that we still got different country is because we still want the diversity, nobody want to play Romedominate.
  3. Cent Kail

    My entire army dies from a tiny attack after forced update??

    Im pretty sure they are trying their best on how to make a smarter AI and change it. Nobody want to fail a successful game. I mean i myself was furious after every update that they made but have some faith if you love the game and hope it can get better.
  4. Cent Kail


    I thought u were a legit vietnamese player that got on top. turned out you just a hacker meh! so dissapointed
  5. Cent Kail

    Farms and caravans as a way to defend your loot

    the point is u used way too much of you active income to invest in your passive income and it take forever to gain your invest money back with current farm and caravans at their slow rate. This is why its not worth it
  6. Cent Kail

    French, Greeek cavalry stats

    Greek is terrible right now, if you want to play HC then go for french
  7. Cent Kail

    Whats so strong about germany

    I checked wiki stats and it said even tho vandal and smurai have the same stat thru iron to gunpowder but in enlightenment age samurai have more dmg than vandal. Can anyone confirm this?
  8. Cent Kail

    Whats so strong about germany

    i wonder if germans is a strong nation. i mean their vandals attack dmg is weaker than japan and their health is less than rome, yet i heard they are pretty good. how so? Im greeks and im considering changing to germans after the HC nerfed
  9. Cent Kail

    The best classical age i've ever seen, can build 3rd wonder

    some of them are not cheater. Its bug. My friends can build 2 wonders at bronze age. he got hanging garden and stone edge then colly in medieval and he wasnt cheating
  10. Cent Kail

    Anyone else frustrated?

    which is why they match you with higher lvl so it can be challenging. U dont want to be number 1 player while your nation look like a village. It would make no sense at all. So lower the medal, build up your nation until u can stay in high medal league.
  11. Cent Kail

    Chinese revisualize

    I just realized that Chinese got re-visualize so now u can tell the different between chinese and jap. When will we get the visualize for the british-french-german and romans-greek