Recent content by Dhigse

  1. D

    Best Gunpowder age wonder?

    I still stand with what I said regarding Angkor Wat being awesome. However, I decided to switch to Versailles because the situation currently calls for it. (Need for hp boost and layout change lacking space for it in the middle.)
  2. D

    Best Gunpowder age wonder?

    Actually, I went ahead and changed Angkor Wat to Versailles, primarily for two reasons: 1. My defense is already decent (since I'm Japanese), and I really needed a way to augment the health of my troops. My unique troops, Ashigaru, have high dps, but average hp, so I wanted to give them more hp...
  3. D

    Best Gunpowder age wonder?

    I'm playing Japanese too, and I went with Angkor Wat to combo with Acropolis and Colosseum: Colo to produce defenders, Acro to buff them and speed up spawning, and Angkor to heal them and my General set on defense (Angkor Wat also has a pretty huge radius compared to Versailles). The three bonus...
  4. D

    angkor wat vs versailles

    Unless of course, you're talking about comboing it with supply carts during attacks, so I guess that makes sense.
  5. D

    angkor wat vs versailles

    Versailles doesn't grant healing to your troops. It just gives you a fixed 10% boost, and that's it. Angkor Wat does the healing - 20% heal per 3 seconds.
  6. D

    angkor wat vs versailles

    That's old data. Angkor Wat gives three trade goods per day. (Four if you're in Enlightenment Age.)
  7. D

    angkor wat vs versailles

    Versailles gives 10%hp bonus to your troops, 40% slow effect and comes with a really small area of effect. Angkor Wat heals 20%hp every 3 seconds, gives three trade goods per day (four if your in EA), and has a large area of effect. I'm using Japanese, with Colosseum and Acropolis as my other...
  8. D

    Greek & French- Surviving the Latest Update.

    I think the devs are making the cavs like the Giants in CoC or Heavy in Boom Beach: High HP, but low DPS.
  9. D

    Versailles effect active when destroyed

    Just one reason why people are ditching Versailles for Angkor Wat. The other is that AW comboes well with high level Generals - healing 20% of their health every 3 seconds makes them almost unkillable in combat.
  10. D

    Versailles effect active when destroyed

    Ah, then that would make Taj TOO GOOD, don't you think? The trade goods I get from Angkor Wat are random too. Sometimes I get diamonds, sometimes I don't.
  11. D

    Versailles effect active when destroyed

    Angkor Wat has a bigger area of effect. but only works if it isn't destroyed. If you plan on using it, better keep it safe, usually near the center of your base to maximize its AoE.
  12. D

    Versailles effect active when destroyed

    Angkor Wat has a bigger area of effect, but only works if it isn't destroyed. If you plan on using it, better keep it safe, usually in the center of your layout. (I did.)
  13. D

    Gunpowder Wonders

    The three (four in Enlightenment) trade goods vary. Sometimes you can even get diamonds. :)
  14. D

    Versailles effect active when destroyed

    Yup. Versailles would be a fine addition to that. The typical wonders acquired by those focusing on the economy would be either be a resource generating one (HG, SH, or Pyramids) followed by Notre Dame for reduced upgrade/research costs. Now since both leave out defense/offense options...
  15. D

    Versailles effect active when destroyed

    Yes, Versailles keeps its effect even if destroyed. As for your Gunpowder Age wonder, there are many things to consider, like your nation, game style, other Wonders, and most importantly, what you want to get out of it. For instance, my nation's Japanese, hence the focus on defense. I have...