Recent content by Diddles

  1. D

    Thanks for the White Death's War Kit

    You are welcome, now gimme a million pounds for this 50p price of poop I found on the floor...these people have no shame, cash greedy, zero value for money. Took a decent game and turned it into a bank vault for the stupid. Ratings are falling, people are leaving.. but hey, Nexon is cool, they...
  2. D

    Alliance Merger

    No probs, enjoy and good hunting
  3. D

    Struggling to recruit?
  4. D

    Struggling to recruit?

    If you are a new alliance finding it difficult to recruit enough members or if you are an existing alliance that has lost players and now can’t get replacements, I have a solution. I have started many alliances and currently run 2 very active alliances, I am looking to share some wisdom and...
  5. D

    Alliance Merger

    I have 2 alliances, a lot of my leaders have left the game due to the recent changes, I was thinking you might be interested in joining our 80+ members and if we get along you can take control of one of mine. I don’t use discord but we use Line which is similar and have a few groups, we run...
  6. D

    Leader "Interviews"

    Hi! I’m Diddles and I have 2 alliances - Legacy of Doom & Doomb@lls I am currently a fully maxed Global Age, I just have 1 last set of walls to complete and some research at level 207... I do not believe in rushing bases. I love strategy games but this is the only one I really stick to full...
  7. D

    Doom needs you!

    Co-leaders and council members are available for experienced or committed members... we are happy to train and teach people who show a commitment to the alliance. We continue to expand and need adaptable people to join and help maintain our balance
  8. D

    Doom needs you!

    Our new competition begins tomorrow! WAR HERO!
  9. D

    Doom needs you!

    Are you on Line? If you are add me - Diddleydom001 and I will try and help
  10. D

    Doom needs you!

    Looking for experienced members to join... council & co-leader positions available for those that demonstrate commitment
  11. D

    TROOP restructuring

    Agreed, that should be the priority.
  12. D

    Doom needs you! sorry! Use this link ;)
  13. D

    Doom needs you!

    Hi everyone, we have 2 alliances and we want you to join us! we are very active, War every day and have great mix of people! All we ask is that you communicate and stay active. lots of help is available and we use LINE to talk and plan, it’s very social. Check out “Legacy of Doom” and...
  14. D

    Alliance activity ideas

    We are currently trialing a handicap league system, destruction % bonus’ are given per age you attack up. We record stars, destruction & times, add or remove the handicap between the players ages to try to make it fairer and keep a table available for members in our group on Line