Recent content by Rona Cayton

  1. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns - With Guns Blazing

    Come join us!
  2. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns - With Guns Blazing

    Come join us, We give some great troops 😀
  3. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns - With Guns Blazing

    I'm in Smoking Guns now if anyone wants to come join our alliance!
  4. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns - With Guns Blazing

    MeanJean here, wanting to say how happy I am for added people to our alliance! Come join us!
  5. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns - With Guns Blazing

    If you haven't found a alliance yet, co e join us! We are big on donating to help our alliance be the best!
  6. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns - With Guns Blazing

    We're growing, come join us while there's room!
  7. Rona Cayton

    "Smoking Guns"

    We're growing, come join us while we have room!
  8. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns Alliance

    Added attachment to this post
  9. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns Alliance

    I and SSS are wanting to invite active players to come join our alliance "Smoking Guns"! We are active and very loyal players. We are big on being Team Players And looking for more like us. We have proven to be so as Leaders of our Clan in Clash of Clans "SmokingGuns2.0" . We would like the same...
  10. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns - With Guns Blazing

    Were are a great active alliance, that would love to have more team players! Come check us out.
  11. Rona Cayton

    Smoking Guns - With Guns Blazing

    SSS and I have success in Clash of Clans. We desire to have a great Alliance here as well. Be apart of a active, and successful alliance in Smoking Guns! You won't find better "team players"! 😀