Recent content by RumRunnerWW

  1. R

    Donations During War Change

    In my alliance our perk go to Cold War. Anyone higher than coldwar gets little benefit. If im global or atomic and I cannot donate anything higher than CW to our info or drone teammates. They don’t want CW troops and that’s all we can give so everyone below their level has nothing to contribute...
  2. R

    Donations During War Change

    Alliance perks are not equally distributed and only come if your alliance is working active. I gave you a bad example what about iron to drone or global to info, donating is restricted even with perks. Thank you
  3. R

    Donations During War Change

    Love the game, started in 2015. Please consider adding feature where by just during War any lower age may donate to a higher age, age appropriate. For example, Iron age team mate could donate Space Age Troops to a Space Age team mate. Maybe for a cost the higher the lvl. As is war Is not all...