Recent content by T-800

  1. T-800

    Big rant about progressing in Dominations

    Hello, I don't know which age you are but for me it's easy to stole 1 millions food in 30mins. I'm industrial age around 800 medals. In my army, i have 10 foot troop, i just look for 2 deadbase and farms without protection, it's already 500000 food. Then 2 easy attacks with my real army and...
  2. T-800

    Best Roman Army Composition Gunpowder-Enlightenment Age

    Hello mwolodko, when i was gunpowder age, i used to fight with 50% foot troop 50% archers for farming( wars didn't exist yet) when i was enlightment age, see the picture for my compo. I had always great score in war ( without troops tactics)
  3. T-800

    University bugged with gold upgrades

    I notice the same bug but I didn't want to share it because it's not bad for the players, we can advance more quikly 👍
  4. T-800

    Stop ruining the game with extra troops!

    I don't write threads on this forum as i don't master english langage so well, but almost everyday i come and read a lot of thread. I notice one thing, very sad thing, even if a lot of players in this forum have really good ideas... IT ALWAYS SEEMS THAT WE ARE TALKING TO A WALL... 😳😢😠
  5. T-800

    Just a small question

    thank you guys for your replies ! :)
  6. T-800

    Just a small question

    Hello all, if i upgrade my command post, is it possible to get my rewards from wars during this ?
  7. T-800

    The new estates

    It's not smart from Nexon... If they sale it at 10€, even some f2p will buy it, they can win more if it's cheaper...
  8. T-800

    Advice to nexon/bhg

    hello there, Soon, one year past about world war and the feature that all players are waiting is still missing. Nexon and BHG, don't be shame to ask Supercell team how they do... :) Thank you
  9. T-800

    What is your attack load-out? Mine seems so weak now :(

    For sure there is too much gatlings on your compo 😊
  10. T-800

    What troop selection works the best in enlightenment

    Hello Chadwick, I'm roman so this is a little diferent but here my compo : 3 horse 27 soldiers 39 musketeers 3 cannons 3 healers And I use sometime 1 or 2 sabotage and protection if the loot is really big
  11. T-800

    Recrutement Alliance francaise "GameOfFriends" Fun, Friends & War

    Il y a toujours de la place. Venez nombreux, je suis sûr que vous vous plairez parmi nous 😊
  12. T-800

    Recrutement Alliance francaise "GameOfFriends" Fun, Friends & War

    Petit up de la semaine Tout le monde est bienvenue 😊
  13. T-800

    Recrutement Alliance francaise "GameOfFriends" Fun, Friends & War

    Coucou ! 😊 Nous sommes 27, nous faisons des guerres régulièrement mais la participation n'est pas obligatoire. Les dons et demandes de troupes sont très fréquentes ! N'hésitez pas à venir nous rejoindre quelque soit votre niveau. Vous êtes tous les bienvenu(e)s Bon jeu à tous
  14. T-800

    Alliance troops dont defend.

    Un which age are you ?
  15. T-800

    Alliance troops dont defend.

    So, before library research in GPA, troops don't defend and how about in world war ?? Even if i always send cannon to my mediaval teammate, there is no sense with this bug ??