Recent content by Tomson

  1. Tomson

    Nations Rebalance

    I like it! It is good and it fits the nation's playstyle!
  2. Tomson

    Wonder and Barrack size Too Big

    Oh I doubt we will get new wonders and barracks for cold war. Or even all the way to the space age.
  3. Tomson

    Sea Battle

    I like navies. We can have unique naval units too to balance the nations.
  4. Tomson

    Wonder and Barrack size Too Big

    Oh yeah, as if the Pyramids of Giza, Colosseum, Eiffel Tower, and Pentagon are small. And barracks need to be big to hold more troops.
  5. Tomson

    New single player campaigns

    I said the exact same sometime ago.
  6. Tomson

    Atleast let the protect tactic be 1 space.

    And while were're at it, make the war acedemy have 100 tatic space. :P
  7. Tomson

    END GAME - Excess food, gold, oil SINKS

    Hm. Interesting idea. Wouldn't mind at all.
  8. Tomson

    Atleast let the protect tactic be 1 space.

    It's too good to be only one space. It's called balance.
  9. Tomson

    Donate Citizens to Teammates for 10 days

    First, I wouldn't purchase that. Second, I wouldn't even donate citizens.
  10. Tomson

    Tactical Helicopter redo

    Wow. "Nexon isn't reading this," and TinSoldier apears. :O
  11. Tomson

    New event type to add more troop diversity and balance to the game

    This idea is realy good! It's so obvious but no one just realised! Of course! I love this idea!
  12. Tomson

    Troop cards icons

    Strongly agreed.
  13. Tomson

    Allow Industrial Age players to build one SAM trap

    I disagree on this, 'cause SAMs in Industrial age? If you want a realistic answer, we can asume they are working on making SAMs but haven't got it quite right in Industrial Age yet.
  14. Tomson

    idea of recruiting

    Agreed. This ought to be fixed.