Recent content by UnknownPpl

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    TAJ Mahal

    I just build taj mahal as I want the 2% bonus loot, but everytime I raid, it didnt show I get the bonus loot... Is the loot bonus will be show or hidden??? Any Idea? In addition, the free mercenary, I use for first time, it give me steppe horse raiders, seem like we cant choose the mercenary by...
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    Dont place shipment outside without collecting

    Else this will happen...
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    F.M.A. is Recruiting

    Seem like too many alliances around while not much players? XD
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    F.M.A. is Recruiting

    Bump up, welcome any players~
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    Unfair Pointsystem

    Who care u are in TMW, you are the 50 best players of the world, u are now playing DomiNations, even you top 1 in others game also means nothing, even you are the richest people also means nothing. This is a game that isnt develop by you, either stop playing or stop complaints. Medals, why...
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    F.M.A. is Recruiting

    F.M.A. Federation Military Academy 聯邦戰爭學院 From Malaysia, but welcome active players from all around the world that understand English/Chinese. 來自馬來西亞,不過歡迎來自世界各地的活躍玩家~ Search F.M.A. and untick the clean language if wish to join~ Thanks~ 若要加入,請搜尋 F.M.A. 並記得“Clean Language Only" 不要打勾。