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  1. E

    Serious bug in BIG HUGE LOOT event

    Happened to at least 4 in my Alliance, too, including me. I was at 28 last night. Woke up today...nothing.
  2. E

    War Loot Still Not Fixed

    Similar problem here, although not nearly as idiotic as not getting your loot. I received a message saying 202k food and gold from last war. I checked cp, and there's only 191k there. What's with my stored loot decreasing?
  3. E

    Weekly Feedback: Library Tech

    I dunno, Barns. I just saved up and spent 120k oil for zeppelins. Sitting at 110k-ish oil while troops re-queued, if I accidentally let the game turn off, I'd lose about 5k oil. It was nice not having to get all the way to 120k.