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  1. U

    Shop offers are different for different players?

    Been playing for 2+ years and for the longest time I thought offers are bound to different regions, but recently I found out that it is not the case. I have a friend from Singapore has these offers (Screenshot 1) today, and here is my offers in Hong Kong today (screenshot 2). As you see the main...
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    Did Marco Polo lost his way to Asia?

    Is been a month since Marco Polo came to my base, I asked my alliance members if they had him and they said they do and suggested me to contact support, I just saw a few posts about Marco Polo and realized other people (in Asia) did not have Marco polo for an extended amount of time. So question...
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    Was there ever a discount event involving library research?

    The title says it all. I started playing around a year ago, and I know that every week (Thursday afternoon in my country), there is a discount event, sometimes involving upgrades and other sorts of items. But never in my life I saw a discount for the library, maybe I missed while I was...
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    Took a 1year break from this game, now am back and need some tips.

    Sup guys, as you see from the title, I took a long break from this game and now I am back. I noticed the game has changed quite a bit and I want some tips from you guys :) Thx Edit: I am now currently at EA, lv 119 (if level matters)
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    Wanting to link my old account to new account

    I am currently playing this game on my 4-year-old Iphone, and I want to link the account to my new Ipad, I tried using Game Center and the link device thing and the account didn't appear on my Ipad, I am also worried that if I click logout in the game's settings, I lose everything, so what...
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    War attack used by some glitch/bug

    I was about to attack my number in war, but just as I clicked on the attack button, the "10% battery left" notification popped up and after I closed it, the attack didn't start and when I tap the attack button, the game said the target is already under attack (no one was online but me) and I am...
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    New leaders in the university

    Hopefully this title won't bait anyone... Anyways, what leaders would you like to be added into the university? I will choose: Fredrick the Great Issac Newton (maybe) Thomas Jefferson. Reply now, I am bored.
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    What General would you want being added to the game?

    Title said it all, I don't care about the stats about the general, just comment what general you want being added to game. I will choose Hideki Tojo.
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    World War layout

    I am sorry if the title confuses you,but it feels messy looking at the world war map.All enemies are clustered with the friendlies,even the blue and red colours can't help with identification,because it just gives more headaches,the only improvement I can think of as of now,is to seperate the...