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  1. Trotuar

    plz fix your revenge system.

    Simple solution. Make an icon to show which players are "attackable" in the deffence list.
  2. Trotuar

    So now we have ads in game

    In the moment you start advertising for competitors games you are in trouble.
  3. Trotuar

    No Diamond

    The same with me and other alliance colleagues.
  4. Trotuar

    Do SAM sites actually work?

    Let me impersonate the Customer Service response. "Dear, we are aware of some visual bugs which make battle replies unreliable. We can assure this is only a visual glitch and your resources have not been wasted on building SAM's. We are working hard to solve the issue, meanwhile we just aquire...
  5. Trotuar

    Do SAM sites actually work?

    Except the fact the SAM missiles are usually solid fuel and not liquid fuel you are correct in what remains of your comment.
  6. Trotuar

    Cannot Join a League

    You are not alone. Same here.
  7. Trotuar

    Should I Stay or Should I Go ... to IA

    Thanks for all the advice. I will start asap with ia but I will stick with Napoleon being 10 before going IA. I keep doing farms and caravans just to keep workers busy not as a scope itself. I'm quite an agresive player, british nation by the way.
  8. Trotuar

    XP lost for Library and Armory research

    This is very simple to dig it up. I reported it long time ago, it started when the xp was recalculated. Now you are recieving xp for upgrading general, forests or troops a certain amount which is specified in the upgrade window. After is finished you are recieving it but after logoff is...
  9. Trotuar

    Should I Stay or Should I Go ... to IA

    I'm EA and finished all the buildings except farms, caravans and 4 forests. My level is 115 before the roads are finished. 44 walls lv9 and 76 lv8. Library is finished and I still have to research Heavy gatling gun, Barage and First Aid plus all the embasy upgrades. Generals are 11, 11, 10, 10...
  10. Trotuar

    The 4.0 Battle Refactor and You!

    Another workaround. You still not go for a real fix, battle on the server side. In fact the same code running on client and server but server being the real master. No solution for hackers. You are cutting your own money revenue with these "solutions". Fire please the technical leader, he is...
  11. Trotuar

    How is possible to get oil from gp?

    I'm ea and from time to time I get to attack gp with minutes of oil to steal. Are these guys cheaters or just bugs?
  12. Trotuar

    Design Spotlight: Community Q&A!

    Thank you for bringing some light on new developments. I would like to have some responses on the following questions also: 1. Are there any plans for moving battles and resource gathering including buildings on the server side? The only way of beating cheaters. 2. Do you plan to make retrain...
  13. Trotuar

    Keep losing Medals mysteriously!

    The xp problems started before 4.0 after that update which recalculated XP. Now generals upgrade and forest cutting give only temporary xp. I already submited a bug to CS which was closed and I posted also in the known bugs thread on forum
  14. Trotuar

    Level of generals in WW not shown anymore.

    Scouting the bases in war do not show level of defending general anymore. Does somebody else experience this? I'm on Android.
  15. Trotuar

    Generals upgrade do notm g,ive anymore x

    I do not know if it is a connection problem. I waited on purpose quite a lot and I believe I even loot meanwhile. The ticket was just closed and that's it, no further feedback.
  16. Trotuar

    Generals upgrade do notm g,ive anymore x

    Not that I care too much about xp but this is a bug. After the update which reduced the xp the generals upgrade does not give anymore xp. Steps to reproduce. Just before the finish of xp upgrade look at your experience. After finish look at xp and you'll se an increase, eg. 420 points. Quit the...
  17. Trotuar

    Am l the first .....

    I doubt they fixed the cheats. Amount of crowns or gold should not stay on the client but on the server.then compare the amount of crowns you have with the amount you bought and reasonable found. Unless the guy with max walls did not spent around 4k euro only for walls kick.And much more for the...
  18. Trotuar

    Am l the first .....

    This kind of cheats should not be possible. Instead of moving the transactions server side they still insist in using that anticheating engine which will be defeated in max. 2 days from release of a new version.
  19. Trotuar

    Feedback Thread: Alliance Tools

    1. Make the battle reports display the battles in the reverse order. I hate scrolling to the end to see the results of the last battle again and again. 2. As it is possible to exclude somebody from war you should be able to include one also by force. Sometimes you just need one or two more...
  20. Trotuar

    Should I go to ea or wait?

    Thanks for reminder but I will not up until everything is prepared. Event or not I will upgrade in the moment I can finish all in time and arrive in the next age with full storage. 1kk gold less is nice to have but for me is important to start full speed ea.