Search results

  1. BruceWayne


    Sorry 1st attempt was a mess, but this new feature sounds cool. What will it bring I'm hoping for war ships. However in true simulations style it may be important explorations to get us goodies? I'd like to see historical favourites like below, With space age looming Neil has to be there, but...
  2. BruceWayne

    Alliance Donations

    Some of my good friends and I played another online game and in our Ali we were able to donate resources, I would love to see this feature added to alliances here, some players became great bank robbers and it really helped develop teammates who struggled to advance, particularly in the early...
  3. BruceWayne

    Who would be the ultimate General & why?

    I would love to know which generals you like to see on here? What reasons for it and some explanation. We have discussed this in the past on group chat, I'm hoping they release the American nation, and get Rambo as a general, you can deploy him to take out 100 soldiers in seconds while drowning...
  4. BruceWayne

    Hobbit Zombie - Superhero

    Hi All, been playing Dominations for around a year roughly, need to get involved in forum and I look forward to chatting and learning, I'm all about mastering everything knowledge is power, my friends call me Az, my enemies Batman, "it's not who I am underneath but what I do that defies me"
  5. BruceWayne


    Joining the domiverse.