Search results

  1. Ephos

    A small change in the Medal-system can make a big difference!

    My Medal Idea! A small change in the Medal-system can make a big difference... Nexon you only have to add in each League 1+ Medal in the Battle Bonus! Bronze League (at 400) - 1+ [Medal Battle Bonus] for win Silver League (at 800) - 2+ [Medal Battle Bonus] for win Gold League (at 1400) - 3+...
  2. Ephos

    >>> Die Allianz "Landsknechte" sucht Mitglieder! <<<

    Hallo werte DomiNations-Community, die LANDSKNECHTE stellen sich vor! Wir stellen uns allen Herausforderungen und trotzen allen widrigkeiten um siegreich aus jeder Schlacht hervorzugehen. Unsere Allianz zeichnet sich durch ein freundliches und angenehmes Allianzklima aus, sowie den Willen...
  3. Ephos

    DomiNations-Suggestion List

    DomiNations-Suggestion List Generally: §Title for Crownbuyers If someone spend a lot of money for crowns he/she should get automatically a title (maybe we can than differentiate cheater or legit player) Global Age Armory need one more slot for upgrades start 2 upgrades at the same time...