Search results

  1. Elchampo

    Time reducer

    Just reduce cost of crowns, surely we would all buy more if they were not so expensive. ?
  2. Elchampo

    Departing Friends

    yes, a fine idea, and make the rental of those workers affordable, like a $1 so it doesnt feel such a crushing blow handing over lots of money. If all the purchases were cheaper I would dip in a lot more and by default spend more money
  3. Elchampo

    StealthWarriors looking for 160+

    As a member of the Stealth Warrior's Council I have a stable home here with some excellent lead players, and keen active players with less experience, all building towards a strong alliance. There is plenty of chat and lots of help assistance for those that need it. Come join us, you know it...
  4. Elchampo

    Leather and Fur

    Fairly new to all this and am currently baffled by why I am not getting much fur and leather from all the hunting I do? is there a valid reason for this? in the last hour I must have killed a dozen rabbits foxes and deer and got nothing in the way of trade goods? thanking you for any advice...