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  1. L

    Robbed of crowns

    Hello everyone, and especially TinSoldier , I am a paying Nexon customer (Estate, no pay to win!), and I usually use these Double Crown Offers to rack up some crowns while trying to discover new games. Everything went fine with the previous Offerwall (Fyber). When Domi switched to supersonic...
  2. L

    Supply Cart Behaviour

    I am not sure if a bug, or a reset in behaviour, but for the past week or so, whenever you force rally a building, supply carts will not sure to Healing range of the units they are healing (aka follow them), but instead stand where they stand, so that for example if I rally on the TC, they will...
  3. L

    TC donated troops spawn

    This is a bug that most of the members of our alliance report, and it was even shown on a video from a known streamer and active member of this forum (M&C Gaming). What happens is, the Spawn of the donated troops of TC will not finish at the even of the "Orange Timer", but roughly at half of...
  4. L

    game data

    Dear TinSoldier, I'm sorry for stealing your valuable time, but I believe this is a project worthy of your attention. My name is Pedro, and I'm obsessed with spreadsheets and data. So far, I have compiled date on pretty much every library tech and building, but I must rely on a outdate wiki...