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  1. D

    Something is wrong with the game server

    First for about 20 minuts I couldn't get a connection to the game server with my account on neither my iPad nor my iPhone. Then now it is constantly telling me that my alliance has reached a new perks level going through all of them. As my alliance has not been at war for the last week nothing...
  2. D

    App crash in multiplayer battle

    Just had my second crash in a battle with latest update loosing all my troops including a heavy tank. Bugger! This need to be fixed right away. I have not had this frequent crashing before now.
  3. D

    Handling of app crash in battle

    I suggest you do something about the issue of the app crashing in a battle causing the player to loose all deployed troops. I suggest that the attack is simply handled as not having taken place. That is as no troops were deployed and no loot taken. A lot of people would be grateful if you did...