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  1. L

    Balance Changes + Decay Update

    I’m about to the quitting point. Three accounts I have that I actively spend money on and now I’m just done. Protect was kinda like the final straw.
  2. L

    Balance Changes + Decay Update

    Yay!! Thanks for totally killing protect. I’ve hung with all these insane changes, but I think I’m at my limit. Idk why I didn’t learn from the first 4 huge stage changes that Dominations wasn’t a game that stayed the same. As soon as you get comfortable with something they find a way to make...
  3. L

    Introduction: Joe “Muet” Grubb - Lead Designer

    I for one, am thrilled to hear that you are thinking about the HT on defense. It’s way WAY OP. I was one of the ones who was so mad about these rebalance changes. However, after they were implemented and stage 5 was axed, looking back I realized it was WAY too easy before. As a global age...
  4. L

    Introduction: Joe “Muet” Grubb - Lead Designer

    Yay!!! U r the answer to my Dominations prayers!!!! Thank u! Thank u! Someone finally realized ya’ll have made it hard enough!! Now to give us some power back on offense!!! Thank u, thank u! I’m glad I stuck around.
  5. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 4)

    Because duh.... they want to create unbeatable bases.
  6. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 4)

    Yeah, it’s crazy. People attacking with over 8 planes.
  7. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 4)

    I play a bunch on my alt industrial account. But my main global account I maybe attack once per day and do my war battles. They have sucked the fun from the game.
  8. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 3)

    Agree with all u said, but lately instant retrain has been twice a day for me! I noticed it this weekend. I always use mine in the AM... Sat night it let me do it again.... Sun morning, I used it and Sun night it was again available. So, I think every 12 hours now u get an instant retrain.
  9. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 3)

    Well, u r doing better than most players in my alliance. They r lucky to get a star on maxed 3D CW bases. And prior to rebalance they were great attackers. They have been playing the game since the beginning and were actually excited about stage 2... after playing stage 2 changes for 2 weeks...
  10. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 3)

    So basically they post the changes that r to be coming without the numbers so we can either expect the worst... or hope for the best.... and hopefully once the numbers r released it won’t be quite as bad as we had imagined.... lol. I remember people thinking the decoys were gonna be taken down...
  11. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 3)

    I know that even people who were excited about stage two (and trust me they were very FEW who were thrilled with the idea of impossible to beat bases) after having played now for two weeks with this new game (cause it def isn’t the same game I paid for) people are really getting ready to throw...
  12. L

    Combat Rebalance Stage Two Patch Notes

    I am going to be demanding a refund from APPLE. this is ridiculous. Thank you for ruining this game.
  13. L

    My opinion about rebalancing

    Well, I’ve already posted a reply that never was approved. Perhaps they will approve this one. I, too feel I’ve been dealt a bait and switch. I spent time, money and resources to speed up research on decoys. It’s humorous to me that they have research in the library and not so long ago added a...
  14. L

    My opinion about rebalancing

    I have been saying it’s like a bait and switch. Thank you for your thoughts, I concur with all of the above.
  15. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 2)

    Yeah, I can’t imagine being Cold War. I see my fellow alliance members who r maxed offensively rarely able to 5 star other maxed CW players ALREADY and that’s with EA. IT SINCERELY feels like they don’t want people to be able to attack a base for 5 stars anymore.
  16. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 2)

    I always, ALWAYs have done full on attacks. Depending now on the severity of their nerfing decoy, I am likely to quit altogether. I quit once for six months after silo was introduced. This time I won’t just quit, I will be writing to Apple to ask for a refund of all money spend on this game...
  17. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 2)

    So, I read from his reply, we want to make it impossible to win wars since we are essentially taking away the only effective tactic instead of fixing those that don’t work well.
  18. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 2)

    To TinSoldier speed ups can’t be used to speed up tactics build times..... so, I’m unsure why this would be your answer in response to training times. Unless I am missing something, we can’t use them to decrease training times.
  19. L

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 2)

    I am so so bummed about this. I feel like they’ve pulled a massive bait and switch on us all. I get perhaps adjusting the decoy, but not to the degree so feel certain they are going to.