Search results

  1. bullong


    ```Hi everyone 💥ONE have a lot of slots open for mature players with a knowledge of the game and new low level strategically minded players. We have reached alliance perk 10 and we strive to achieve back to back wars. You are under no pressure to join war if you feel you can provide in other...
  2. bullong


    Hi everyone 💥ONE have slots open for mature players with a knowledge of the game. ideal we are looking for Atomic age and above,but all are welcome. We are a perks 10 nearly 11 alliance that do back to back wars. We do ask that you can communicate be curious donate when you can and have fun. We...
  3. bullong

    Aragon archers

    Hi all want fun, have the option to opt in or out of wars, get help building you base to the next level,then come over and try Aragon archers and be part of a wining team.
  4. bullong

    How to use the museum artefacts

    Trying to work out the best combination
  5. bullong


    Hello all in the domination world if you are looking for fun,advice,tips or just a chat them 💥one has it all. We are a young alliance with bags of potential and are very active, Back to Back wars and we have just reached perks 7. All age players are welcome,we do use discord for war as this aids...
  6. bullong


    Hello all FULLYLOADED is open for business we are looking for players who want to war. If you are up for the challenge we are looking for war planners,if you think you fit the bill then let’s be having you.
  7. bullong

    Industrial age

    Hi I’m British Industrial Age level 149. Armory at level 8,barracks at level 8. when and how do you start to be able to get tanks.
  8. bullong

    Players leaving dominations

    I’m noticing players are leaving dominations had enough.
  9. bullong

    Aragon archers

    Hi all you guys in dominations world Aragon archers are recruiting now so why not pop on over and give us a go. We are a relatively new alliance looking for new or experienced players to help us develop into a fighting force. Discord is a must as this helps in team talks and planning as well as...
  10. bullong

    The goonies uk

    Great bunch of guys well worth a look helped me loads.