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  1. J

    Introduction: Joe “Muet” Grubb - Lead Designer

    I for one think the rebalance was a step in the right direction if it didn’t go far overboard;( I think it can be successful if some issues are addressed, keep in mind i’m Writing this as viewed from my perspective as a 264star CWA player with maxed out offense and defense, so my suggestions are...
  2. J

    Leaderboard - remove the inactive alliances

    It’s mind numbing that they still haven’t done anything. There are so many ways they can fix that. Just on top of my head: code the game so that any alliance that doesn’t start a war for 7 days after last war ended gets dropped from the leaderboard, glory isn’t affected and they get ranked again...
  3. J

    HT defenders way offbalance after rebalance

    So I was raiding a 236 star CWA base today and as I was nearly done clearing it one of my HT MK7 accompanied by a single infantry unit (both split from the rest of my army) reached a factory. The factory went down and the HT MK5 defender spawned taking down the infantry unit pretty much...
  4. J

    Stage 2 rebalance solution for everyone

    I’m not being negative, I tried using my old set up of APCs,HA,rpg,rifles and decoys and failed badly so I switched to the only thing that I see as viable after the “balancing” and i’m Back to rolling through high lvl cwa bases with ease. The problem most people have is that they are trying to...
  5. J

    Stage 2 rebalance solution for everyone

    It has come to my attention that everyone is unhappy about the changes to the game, which I guess is expected after all what other gaming company balances things by changing the stats by 200-400% making anything they balance go extinct like that awesome new game changing Unit they introduced a...
  6. J

    We need heavy buff on offense side now, defense is overpowered

    If this was true than why did our last war end with both teams getting perfect score? You can 5 any base if you have similar strength base and you can play the game good. I think the game is well balanced at the moment and offense definitely doesn’t need a boost, in fact defense may need to be...
  7. J

    marcol polo thief

    I think we all know how useless Marco Polo is nowadays, nothing you can do other than ignore him. Complaining about it all the time won’t make a difference.
  8. J

    Why are Cold War Age players allowed to attack Global Age bases?

    Global Age is the best age in the game, you can have a solid defense and a very strong offense and you can roll through Industrial bases all day long with little danger to your global Age planes since they have weak AA and no SAMs. You talk about things you have no experience with, when you...
  9. J

    That was a good event!!

    If they lower the training times of planes and tactics as well as some of the troops (Howies, medics, heavy tanks etc), but leave the train time of infantry and raiders unchanged, people may actually start playing the game to win rather than 90%+ of players going for a quick loot with...
  10. J

    That was a good event!!

    I completely agree, the retrain times get crazy in the higher ages where you have to wait 2.5 hrs to retrain your planes and 40mins for a single tactic... I’m really spending 5mins every 3+ hrs playing the game now that i’m Trying for dynasty, does anyone really spend 100 crowns to rebuild his...
  11. J

    iPhone X Update

    I’m waiting for that too, I got my iPhone X on launch day and opening the game and seeing the small window it was running in was disappointing, I love how the game never lags though, 4troop tactics were lagging my iPhone 6 badly and I know people that quit the game because it was unplayable on...
  12. J

    Horrible war matchmaking and sandbaggers

    Yes I’ll start a 30vs30 war as soon as this one ends, we waited 8hrs after last one and we still got you, I couldn’ believe it, but here we are doing a 3rd war in a row. My line ID is the same as my name here in the forums (or in game)
  13. J

    Horrible war matchmaking and sandbaggers

    I’m sure it’s boring for you too after all we’ve decided not to even do any attacks with the exception of a few people you can clearly see no one on our side is getting coalitions or attacking... what’s the point. Nexon needs to stick to glory, alliances with over 6k glory difference should...
  14. J

    Horrible war matchmaking and sandbaggers

    Is NEXON ever going to do anything to fix their war matchmaking? Our 22k glory just started a 3rd war in a row against AFTERMATH, they have over 28k glory and are ranked #29!!!! But it’s all good because they use 6 Iron Age bases with 10stars or less!!!! To make up for the 10cwa and...
  15. J

    The War Machine recruiting atomic/Cold War people

    Just bumping to top
  16. J

    The War Machine recruiting atomic/Cold War people

    We are a very old and very active alliance with 23700 glory and 47 members, we’re looking for a few atomic/Cold War people that are good attackers/defenders to help us get to top100. We’re a friendly place with very active chat, communication in English is a requirement! If you are good and...