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  1. J

    HT defenders way offbalance after rebalance

    So I was raiding a 236 star CWA base today and as I was nearly done clearing it one of my HT MK7 accompanied by a single infantry unit (both split from the rest of my army) reached a factory. The factory went down and the HT MK5 defender spawned taking down the infantry unit pretty much...
  2. J

    Stage 2 rebalance solution for everyone

    It has come to my attention that everyone is unhappy about the changes to the game, which I guess is expected after all what other gaming company balances things by changing the stats by 200-400% making anything they balance go extinct like that awesome new game changing Unit they introduced a...
  3. J

    Horrible war matchmaking and sandbaggers

    Is NEXON ever going to do anything to fix their war matchmaking? Our 22k glory just started a 3rd war in a row against AFTERMATH, they have over 28k glory and are ranked #29!!!! But it’s all good because they use 6 Iron Age bases with 10stars or less!!!! To make up for the 10cwa and...
  4. J

    The War Machine recruiting atomic/Cold War people

    We are a very old and very active alliance with 23700 glory and 47 members, we’re looking for a few atomic/Cold War people that are good attackers/defenders to help us get to top100. We’re a friendly place with very active chat, communication in English is a requirement! If you are good and...