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  1. W

    Buy Resources with Gold/Food/Oil from StoreHouse

    When ALL my citizens are tied up building something, I'm often maxed out on Gold, Food or Oil. I'd like to keep raiding, but what's the point if my Gold/Food/Oil are FULL? Give me something, ANYTHING to spend it on, please! One idea is to allow players to use their Gold/Food/Oil at the...
  2. W

    Airstrip Speed Up Blessing

    Waiting 2 hours for planes to be rebuilt is a rough penalty. I understand being cautious with when and how they're used. And, in fact, I'm even okay with the long wait to penalize those that are not cautious. BUT... there should be a way to override this (besides using crowns!). Why not have...
  3. W

    Troop tactics level 1?

    War tactics should be at (at least) their current researched level. What’s the point of getting a very weak level 1 barrage, for example, when I can make my own level 5 barrage?
  4. W

    Move Tactics slots in combat

    I agree with this.