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  1. Fiendo

    ++ New Trap ++

    How about making a Brothel building that times seduction of enemy units? it spams little hearts and takes over units like Betrayal.
  2. Fiendo

    Warriors Come out to Playeeaa!!

    We are Close to level 12 now! Come join us! We are super friendly and provide a great home!
  3. Fiendo

    Stop the Yellow Arrows

    For me... I like the arrows. I occasionally get a arrow on a Oil field that wont go away (not sure why i see one on a oil field.).. that's kind of annoying. Forum Hug! Can't we all just get along!
  4. Fiendo

    "Stilettos : Fashionable Weapons"

    Make a youtube channel! I love watching attacks there!
  5. Fiendo

    New defender idea

    Very interesting thought like a plane or two that circle around protecting. Not too many it might get over powered. When I see a video with someone with 8 planes and defense has none it would make sense at Cold war age or higher to have something like that.
  6. Fiendo

    Lion of Judah Event!

    Awesome Event! Those upgrades are costly and take a long time. Help here is appreciated.
  7. Fiendo

    Warriors Come out to Playeeaa!!

    i am not sure where else to look for people since we are not getting new recruits from kicking people.
  8. Fiendo

    Global 171 base for review

    Thank you for the suggestions! I appreciate you all taking the effort to give me advise!
  9. Fiendo

    Global 171 base for review

    Hello Everyone! I came up with this design and wanted to know what the community thinks about it. Its the best way I could force someone to go through bastions most likely. Comments are welcome! Thanks! -Fiendo
  10. Fiendo

    Warriors Come out to Playeeaa!!

    Bumping still looking for peeps!
  11. Fiendo

    Warriors Come out to Playeeaa!!

    Warrior Nation come join us! We recently have gotten rid of some inactive people and are looking for more active players. We try and war every chance we get. if you a 10 person war guild like us we can also talk about possible merging to get a larger player war base. We have about 30 active...
  12. Fiendo

    Layout Feedback Thread!

    They both look solid. It seems you have to give a path to people to get full use of Bastions.I see people just flying in and taking out the 2x2's in them and just walking around them so they never get destroyed or have the use of the slow. Fiendoville Warrior Nation
  13. Fiendo

    Map Editor Bastion bug

    Thank you for addressing this fast. My last war it left a opening and they just dropped a lot of tanks in that area. It was kind of frustrating. I have not received the update yet here but, I am looking forward to the fix! Much appreciated! Fiendoville Warrior Nation
  14. Fiendo

    Warrior Nation Is Looking for you!

    Hello! Warrior Nation is looking for more people! We are level 11 and would like to have more people join that like to War! We are a English speaking guild and most of us have been here for multiple years. If your looking for a Friendly environment to grow and battle.... Come join us Today!! :)
  15. Fiendo

    Friends and Guilds!

    Hello! I have some things I would like to discuss about some of the things in this game. First There is a Friends tab and virtually no way to add a friend or use this feature. The thing is we have a relatively small guild. Over the years people come and go. We would like to get some more active...