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  1. Sigfried von Xanten

    DomiNations Update 12.2 - Museum Loadouts

    War loadouts examples: 1 .You assess your opponents' strengths and conclued that you your attack strength is sufficient for attackers without war artifacts. Hence, you want to load your defense strengthening war artifacts. 2. Your opponent has strong bomber damage and hitpoints reduction...
  2. Sigfried von Xanten

    Manufactory: Will defense become too OP?

    Horsepower. I could not agree more. The game is challenging and evolving. Players need to adjust to stay ahead. This means more development work and requires more thinking, but it is what makes the game so enticing.
  3. Sigfried von Xanten

    Automation Age is on the way

    I am at level 330, Information Age. I have tried to get to 333 and Drone Age as fast as I can without spending much money and I am hoarding most of my free speed-ups for Drone Age. If it is helpful, the way I look at upgrades is the XP/day/citizen rate. Traps typically have higher daily XP...