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  1. Geoman47netzero

    Attack up button PLEASE

    Ok... so no attack down button... but what about attack even or up?
  2. Geoman47netzero

    The Road Ahead: Spring Edition

    Agree except I’m guessing stopping cheating has got to be like playing whack a mole for them because what if cheaters generate $$$?
  3. Geoman47netzero

    Attack up button PLEASE

    Maybe an attack down and attack even button as well? Basically split the attack button into 3. :unsure:
  4. Geoman47netzero

    Cast your Votes Good People (which are your favorite ideas)

    15… just posted in another thread that Greece as a civ needs help.
  5. Geoman47netzero

    Money, food and oil

    Crowns would be nice but don’t see it happening IMHO. But I’m behind the concept… once you’ve upgraded walls there’s only so much to do before getting bored and moving on to another game.
  6. Geoman47netzero

    Greece Nation Accelerator Bonus at University

    Something should be done to help Greece. I play all the civs and Greece is only useful on newish accounts.
  7. Geoman47netzero

    Help with Atomic age troop combo

    In atomic age, I use mostly paratroopers to take out the missile silo then light infantry to mop up everything else. Works until medal count gets to about 2k, at which point defenders know how to defend missile silo. Then you may have to throw in a commando or two to take out missile silo’s...
  8. Geoman47netzero

    Attack up button PLEASE

    Too much when I'm willing to pay for a feature that only saves seconds 😂
  9. Geoman47netzero

    Attack up button PLEASE

    I know, I know... Skip button pseudo does this, but ... When grinding for triumph, it sure would be nice to save valuable seconds but automatically getting a base higher than your age. Huge difference in triumph for attacking up, vs on level, vs attacking down an age. I'd personally pay $20...
  10. Geoman47netzero

    Slow armored cars?

    Agree Wolverines... ACs speed was there selling point... higher damage and HPs is more tank like... i'm ready for my speedy ACs to come back!
  11. Geoman47netzero

    The Road Ahead: Spring Edition

    Agreed... a great new unit would be naval ship that sit on the coast and lob artillery on the city just like many Pacific War Battles in WW2. In fact, I think some generals actually simulate this already, so may not be "that" hard for BHG to do.
  12. Geoman47netzero

    Crown sharing?

    Like many people reading this... I have too many Domi accounts. Yes, I play Domi too much. Yes, I spend too much on this game. Given. Is there a legal way to share crowns between accounts? I have over 70k crowns in 2 accounts I rarely play and I'd LOVE to be able to transfer those crowns to...
  13. Geoman47netzero

    The Road Ahead: Spring Edition

    To avoid this, I often pop an instant retrain blessing (IRB) if I know I'm going to back to back attack. Sometimes even for 2 war attacks I pop an IRB to save myself the 30 seconds of ads!
  14. Geoman47netzero

    The Road Ahead: Spring Edition

    Agree 100% - no generals while upgrading fort seems punitive for an upgrade. Same for war academy and no war tactics.
  15. Geoman47netzero

    The Road Ahead: Spring Edition

    Totally agree... just to keep troop tactics more manageable... I often drop medals using only extraneous TT each battle to pare down unnecessary TT that are basically just taking up room. But the above would alleviate a tedious task I do almost daily!
  16. Geoman47netzero

    The Road Ahead: Spring Edition

    I'm excited to have library, blacksmith, university, etc. upgrades not be down time for those buildings!
  17. Geoman47netzero

    Slow armored cars?

    Great catch ZenDen… totally missed that!
  18. Geoman47netzero

    Slow armored cars?

    I typically run 7 Armored Cars (ACs) max age level for digital. During an instant retrain blessing today, I unloaded the ACs and it was like they were in quicksand the whole battle. Thus making ACs rather useless (given their speed was the big draw). Anybody else notice this? In the interim...
  19. Geoman47netzero

    Aztecs gettin no love?

    ok, i'll bite... why did you love them so much? Was it the Aztec Warriors?
  20. Geoman47netzero

    Expand Council Collection Rewards to 190

    Hope you're right! And I agree with the sentiment of this thread thus the bump. :)