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  1. W

    How to make 500k?

    I'm currently Classical age with almost a maxed out base but the problem is farming is really hard on this. I'm playing as British but I dont notice any loot bonus and some people has like 500g. It's quite rare to find a guy that has gold above 50k which makes it really hard to get that 500k I...
  2. W

    Farming range for Classical Age?

    I'm currently 300+ trophies and keeps getting attacked every time I log out.
  3. W

    Immersive mode for Android

    Can you please add Immersive mode because the black bar at the bottom is currently killing me.
  4. W

    Tutorial missing

    Hey, I'm on android and there's no tutorial on this like on the iphone. Also, i'm town hall 2 but my account ID is missing on the right corner and a lot of stuffs seems to be missing. Any help?