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  1. Riccardo

    Riders everywhere. Not funny anymore, I'm gonna quit if it keeps going on like that

    What kind of game is it? Too much power to those units! That is the ruin of this game. Some screenshots for example. I have bunch of them.
  2. Riccardo

    Alleanza Italiana cerca personale!

    La nostra alleanza è in cerca di personale, siamo attualmente sei, nessuna richiesta di minime medaglie, livello o altro :) Solo serietà, si da truppe e se ne ricevono sempre cercando di essere al pari Si cerca sempre di essere più attivi possibili, tenendo in considerazione ovviamente chi...
  3. Riccardo

    Join UniTy ! You can be sure we want you! Find out more here!

    Hi guys! Join UniTy !!! We are looking for players willing to join alliance without any particoular requirement! No minimum medal, no minimum level, no minimum age, so anyone accepted!! The only think we ask is you to be as active as you can, so that people can help each other, with tips...
  4. Riccardo

    Simple question about Alliance visibility

    Hi guys! Just a question: is it possible to obtain visibility for any kind of alliance? If yes, how? ..and just for curiosity: what is the "bookmarks" in the options of the alliance? Thanks! :)
  5. Riccardo

    Doubt about MK1 in Library

    Hi guys, as I said I'd like to know the truth about two updates in library: The "+10% Heavy Thank defender attack" affects only the MK1s spawned by my bunkers or also the MK1s I use in battle? And the "adds splash damage to Heavy Tank MK1 attack" affects only the ones that I use for my attacks...
  6. Riccardo

    Defenders level spawned from farms by Kremlin wonder?

    Hi everybody! Like I said in the title, I'd like to know which level and how to upgrade that, are the defenders spawned by farms thanks to Kremlin Thanks :)
  7. Riccardo

    Problem with retraining in Barracks + Training Blessing

    Sometimes it happens that when I retrain my troops with Training Blessing active, they are not speeded up, I cannot understand why. In some cases I found out they are even stuck because in the queue one of the troop is "blocked" and it cannot be trained, the only solution is to cancel the...
  8. Riccardo

    Tactics disappear!!

    A thing that really drives me crazy is finding out in my War Accademy I don't have tactics ready anymore! After have used them I retrain them, but for some unkown reasons I don't have them anymore, even after paid them with food and after have waited for them to be finished. It happens...
  9. Riccardo

    Version 2.5.116: I dont see anything troops that attacked me

    With the new version I downloaded today (2.5.116) if I go in the inbox to see who attacked me, I don't see the list of troops.
  10. Riccardo

    After Industrial, what is next?

    Hope It is not a stupid question, just curiosity, but what is it next the Industrial Age? Seems like all the upgrade stops there; I'm in the Enlightenment Age and I see Upgrades till Industrial
  11. Riccardo

    Detail about Notre Dame

    Hi, I'd like to have some specific information about the Notre Dame wonder, It says reduces costs for library reserc and unit upgrade, and once in a day produces gold. Could someone who has aldready built it tell me something more (with numbers)? Thank you all! :)