Search results

  1. H

    Highborns Guild is recruiting experience and active players!!!

    We have still 4 spots free .. Our alliance score is 8.400 and we are close to our big target which is top 100. Hope to see you in the game guys!!
  2. H

    Highborns recruiting active and experienced players!!! (Few Spots Left)

    We are growing very fast. Our biggest target is to enter the top100 alliances.We would be happy to fight together. Few spots left As a reminder our minimum requirements are : Active players , 35+lvl and 500+medals
  3. H

    Highborns are Recruiting

    One more Spot left to fullfill our Alliance .. Thank you for your support guys !!
  4. H

    Highborns are Recruiting

    If you want to join our new alliance , just go to the search , uncheck the box ''clean language only'' and then type in *Highborns*
  5. H


    *Highborns* are recruiting experienced players for co-operation and fast development. Former guildies from strategic games join their power to reach the top. If you want to join our new alliance , just go to the search , uncheck the box ''clean language only'' and then type in ''*Highborns*...