Search results

  1. Armageddon Knight

    Events and wars

    I had written about this game being too tame. I am suggesting that we get events and wars where alliances can compete directly besides just on who has the biggest base and highest medal count. These wars would make the game more exciting and would help the leaders to be able to get more active...
  2. Armageddon Knight

    Events and wars

    I have played many games similar to Dominations and I have found this game a bit too tame. I would like to suggest that Nexonm introduces alliance wars and events where alliances and their players can compete directly with each other. This would in my opinion push players to want to be stronger...
  3. Armageddon Knight

    3 spots left at British Army SS

    If you need a chilled and friendly alliance, if you are a team player then you can join us at British Army SS.
  4. Armageddon Knight

    Still looking for new players

    Lol. I'm starting to think there are no new players joining this lousy game! If you are there and looking for an alliance, bounce to British Army please.
  5. Armageddon Knight

    Join British Army SS if you dare.

    Prove yourself to be the best gamer in the game. Come show us your skills!
  6. Armageddon Knight

    How to loot

    I'm lvl 40 but look at the loot I got from a lvl 56 player. This what I can teach you amongst other tricks! Come join British Army SS!
  7. Armageddon Knight

    Best way to recruit for alliance

    I know our alliance is going to be strong in the future because it will be made of experienced players from another game. What I am struggling with for now is getting new players. What is the best strategy to recruit players?
  8. Armageddon Knight

    Invitation to join British Army SS

    Are you looking for an alliance that is helpful yet without unnecessary pressure? Then come to British Army SS and see yourself grow amongst professional hardcore gamers from CoC, SS and RK. NB: Disable clean language filter when you search, otherwise you won't find this cool bunch! :)
  9. Armageddon Knight

    British Army SS invitation

    Come and be part of the British Army SS alliance. We are filling up nicely and will soon be advancing at a fast pace. Be part of the revolution. The only British Army alliance with former and current SS members!
  10. Armageddon Knight

    British Army SS recruiting

    Join the British Army created by tough Former SS members who know how to war hard and compete even harder!
  11. Armageddon Knight

    Come join the British Army

    Come and join our alliance and help build it into a force that will inspire awe in our rivals! We promise to offer assistance and support in return for your contribution. Also get promoted according to your activity. Be free to speak your mind....
  12. Armageddon Knight

    British Army is recruiting

    Come join our alliance to be part of a great bunch of players. We talk freely and donate good troops. Build your civilization steadily and at your own pace. Our main objective is to progress to the kingdom League ASAP! 😉