Search results

  1. Maestro

    World War and User Experience suggestions.

    Matchmaking is ok, but at times match ups are unbalanced and even unfair. I propose that you allow the Leader or Co-Leader an opportunity to vet multiplayer opponents. You continue to improve matchmaking, we get to choose from your array of suggestions. This will reduce user frustration with...
  2. Maestro

    More robust chat, notification, direct messaging system.

    Important information often gets buried in general chat. Here are a few suggestions. Keep general chat as is. Enable a Council only chat. Enable and inbox for direct messages. Enable an ability for the Alliance leader and Co-Leader to send to all or direct messages which appear on the...
  3. Maestro

    Inactive Leaders

    Maybe there needs to be some Coup D'etat feature. Where 75% of the alliance can vote to demote the leader, that way he/she stays in the alliance so when/if they come back (people have lives and stuff happens) he or she can reclaim leadership if the alliance is for it?
  4. Maestro

    Alright, so I gotta ask

    The reporting is wrong. See these two screenshots showing different amount of stars when reviewing the same log at different times. Not only is the five star defeat wrong but so is the zero star defeat. It's not correctly reporting what happens in game. Also note how the log below it also shows...
  5. Maestro

    Where would you place your point of attack? 😉

    Can someone please advise on attack strategy? I'm stumped. 😂
  6. Maestro

    Sticky Messages in alliance chat.

    Leaders should be able to pin a sticky message at the top of the alliance chat to inform the alliance of important updates, strategy etc. Alternatively have a message wall where the leader and council can post important alliance information. Thank you!
  7. Maestro

    Values should always display while researching a library item.

    Currently the values for research items disappear while research is in progress. For planning (saving) for the next upgrade those values should appear greyed out. For instance, when researching an item in Blacksmith, you still see the values for other items yet to be researched. This is helpful...
  8. Maestro

    Alliance player stats

    At the moment I make note of the troops received and troops donated. I also make note of some of the players city layout and see if they are improving it. The info pane should also contain last login date and time.
  9. Maestro

    Always Being Scouted!!!!!!!!!

    The best way to frame this issue is to say you are unable to log in to buy crowns because of the perpetual "You are being scouted" message... then there will be a swift result. haha.
  10. Maestro

    Private chat messages to individual alliance mates and council.

    It would be great to have a three tier chat system. Alliance chat all, private chat (direct messages) and council chat (council only.) A series of icons above the chat window drawer handle can engage other chat interactions. Please consider, thank you!
  11. Maestro

    Old alliance, negative crowns and lost medals

    Me too, I lost a couple hundred medals after this latest server maintenance.
  12. Maestro

    Identify Inactive Alliance Members

    Good idea, a way to manually do this is to monitor troop donation results and player level, not very efficient - right, it's a detail that is needed.
  13. Maestro

    A few alliance and general ideas and feature requests.

    Yes I am the leader of both, look us up on alliance search! Art of War with the dragon flag. I have just set up Darkhorse and have not promoted that one yet, it's a second alliance in the works.
  14. Maestro

    A few alliance and general ideas and feature requests.

    I am in Art of War and Darkhorse (newly formed.) To add to that. It would be a great way to keep people active, expanded roles with assigned tasks to oversee. For instance, an alliance log would be great, any incoming/outgoing attack gets recorded onto the alliance log. Any member can view...
  15. Maestro

    Request Troops: request a particular class of troops.

    Yes that's what we do, but when it gets busy sometimes people just randomly fulfill. Simple solution is to be able to request a certain type, keeps it all very economical.
  16. Maestro

    A few alliance and general ideas and feature requests.

    Part of the advantage of being in an alliance is an ability to share strategy and information. Enabling the ability to share replay with others would be a valuable asset. Also, it would be great to be able to share intelligence gathered in game, such as look at this players layout strategy for...
  17. Maestro

    Request Troops: request a particular class of troops.

    To better accommodate offensive needs. Alliance members should be able to request a particular class of troop. Thank you.