Search results

  1. Fram La Peste

    Changing wonders

    Thank you!
  2. Fram La Peste

    Changing wonders

    i've been looking for a post on this and haven't found one yet. When you change wonders, does it come fully built? Or do you have to build it up again?
  3. Fram La Peste

    Crown issues still, but still enjoying the game!

    Hi, I just wrote a service coupon again for missing crowns after this morning's maintenance (ID 3009968) My crown count should be above 2000 as I bought a pack yesterday before the first bug maintenance. thank you for restoring those crowns swiftly. Look, I know you guys have been working like...
  4. Fram La Peste

    5/2/2015 -- Negative Crown Amounts

    Everything was fixed, with bonus. Thank you very much!
  5. Fram La Peste

    5/2/2015 -- Negative Crown Amounts

    I've just sent two e-mails from both my and my son's iPad. Posting it here too just in case: Player name: Fram La Peste, id #3009968 And my son Player name: "lou", id # 4254251 Thank you for fixing this as quickly as possible.
  6. Fram La Peste

    Last Resort

    yup, it's not coming up in the alliance search feature.