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  1. Hume87

    What New Nation would you all want to see next (POLL)

    Egypt - Power of the Nile Can build one or two more farms / or a boost in food production Source: Rise of Nations (If I remember correctly)
  2. Hume87

    The Future Eras To Come

    Well seeing as there is a screenshot of First World War tanks and Bi planes, i'd say the next age would probably be Industrial (WW1). However I believe they will include a WW2 era also, since even though it's only 23 years apart, there was major advances specially in how warfare was conducted...
  3. Hume87

    I have a problem

    I'm trying to save up money to advance to the next age, it is hard to do since enemies attack me and steal huge amounts, which I'm fine with, except for the last attack: The guy attacked me, I watched to replay, he earned one star so he got a victory. He stole all the money he could from me...
  4. Hume87

    Some questions

    I have been playing for a while now and here are some questions: 1. When an enemy raids you, how much of your total resources are stealable? 2. Why does it seem like some enemy bases have huge defending armies? (Asking in the sense if this might be some cheat, otherwise I asume they just...
  5. Hume87


    Hello, just like to introduce myself by saing I really enjoy this game. One of my favourite games years ago was Rise of Nations, I still sometimes play it today, and this is pretty much RoN on mobile, so thanks to the team behind Dominations for this game! I have allready been playing for a...