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  1. G

    With all the Server Maintenance...

    Yeah, I was wondering too. There was no such thing as golden hour going one. Such a shame...
  2. G

    The Greek Nation; A Greek players resource

    Nice to find fellow greeks! And very useful insights too. I always new greeks were more philosophical... :P Anyway, I chose greeks only because of my experience playing clash of clans. I knew that in the higher levels upgrades would cost a sh*t load of resources and that the 5% would make a...
  3. G

    Ideas for Generals

    The generals definitely need some more work done around them. I recently built the castle, used Cleopatra for the first time. After I saw the cooldown time I didn't use one single general again. I'm still upgrading them, but I'm waiting for things to change, because the way I see it they're a...
  4. G

    Generals should stay if survived

    It's so obvious that is kinda dumb that the game makes it the opposite way...
  5. G

    Keeping and Saving Gold/Food

    Great thread! Lots of useful tips :P. Now that I have my castle, my base needs some reshaping and I'll keep serenity's advice in mind. I usually got pretty angry about loosing 100k of one resource per night when I just had still 3-4 raids to reach what I needed for the upgrade (sometimes I...
  6. G


    My strategy is to put almost all my pikemen (around 30) near it. If it's very deep into the base, I use the rally option and if a catapult is in range, I use a heal tactic. I always try to combine companions with catapults and pikemen with ballistas at the same time. And if one is in range of...
  7. G


    Damascus strategy is awesome! I'll definitely give it a try. I only use 4 comps, 18 archs and rest pike. I drop the comps near the catapults and the pikes near the ballistas and that's been my strategy ever since. I do lost some comps from time to time but I don't bother the time to make them. I...
  8. G

    Wonder opinion

    Notre Dame. Saves you 10 mil resources. Colosseum just gives you 8 defenders from time to time. It's not that useful. If you protect your loot well with a good base design, you won't be needing extra defenders. Plus, if the attacker is aiming for medals he's gonna get them easily, with or...
  9. G

    What will they screw up this time?

    Well, I think it didn't crashed, they're just under maintenance which could mean they were just upgrading some basic stuff or some technical stuff not worth to be shared, like fixing some bugs, upgrading the codes to avoid cheaters and crashes and etc. This is still a very new game and the...
  10. G

    Game issues.

    Yup, definitely the AI needs some major improvements among other big issues. But the discussion about what to improve and how is not going to happen so soon. We see that the greatest cry here in the forum is for mods participation and we don't get that here.