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  1. Z


    A trade market would be nice. I think the game needs improvements to the base economy system, desperately. Some sort of implementation would be welcomed.
  2. Z

    free crowns

    You can earn free crowns through defence and bucks not to mention achievements and wise one objectives. I think these watch an ad n get free premium currency add too much weight to the app and lag things. And if you haven't discovered the game is buggy enough as is. We would have a bunch of...
  3. Z

    Not loading game

    Lol dude. The caps lock and the obvious "didn't read thread" gave me a good laugh.
  4. Z

    Please remove attack alert... We know when we have attacked.

    When did they add this feature? It's so annoying. I found it just as annoying as the fortification blessing nerf.
  5. Z

    Look what I've found on the Internet!

    Don't believe your eyes when you found something on Google. A lot of these are malicious.
  6. Z


    Man what a terrible situation to be in. I hope them pulling the server down for maintenance solved your problem. There has been some wacky bugs going on and this is feeling so much like a beta game.
  7. Z

    Late Classical Build, Suggestions?

    Most certainly. I was even thinking about putting that outside turret inside next to the ballista.
  8. Z

    Late Classical Build, Suggestions?

    I don't know if road connectivity is something I should be prioritizing so high, but i generate gold at a somewhat decent level. This layout does serve me somewhat well, I only really lose out when I get a full on attack. So any recommendations? Chinese w/ Hanging Gardens & Notre Dame.